spots for first time in rocky -forming disk
Located 370 light years away, , a K-type star, is surrounded by a giant hot swirling jumble of gas. Scientists believe two gas giants are forming. They also say they have spotted water vapor in the disk's inner area before the gap, where rocky terrestrial planets may be being born. It's the first time scientists have managed to detect water vapor in the terrestrial zone of a protoplanetary disk.

#jwst #water #planet #pds70

Last updated 1 year ago

Jorge Lillo-Box · @jlillobox
87 followers · 30 posts · Server

Our video showing the discovery of the first hints of co-orbital planet formation in is now available with subtitles in several languages (including English!). You can watch it here:


Last updated 1 year ago

MPI für Astronomie · @mpi_astro
451 followers · 48 posts · Server

How does get onto like ? Until now, asteroids and comets were considered a possible source. Now, observations by the consortium with the show that water could already be present during the formation of such planets.

In a article, astronomer Giulia Perotti reports water in the planet-forming disk of the young star . The water is located in the zone of this disk where rocky planets like Earth usually form.

#water #planets #earth #minds #jwst #nature #mpia #pds70

Last updated 1 year ago

MPI für Astronomie · @mpi_astro
451 followers · 48 posts · Server

Wie kommt auf wie die ? Bislang galten Asteroiden und Kometen als mögliche Quellen.

Nun berichtet -Astronomin Giulia über die Entdeckung von Wasser in der Planeten bildenden Scheibe des jungen Sterns . Und zwar dort, wo oft Gesteinsplaneten wie die Erde entstehen.

Somit könnte Wasser auf Gesteinsplaneten häufiger sein als bisher angenommen.

Die Ergebnisse basieren auf Beobachtungen mit dem -Instrument des .

#wasser #planeten #erde #mpia #perotti #pds70 #miri #jwst

Last updated 1 year ago

scinexx - das wissensmagazin · @scinexx
398 followers · 568 posts · Server

Wasser in sternnaher Planetenwiege nachgewiesen. Gesteinsplaneten könnten schon bei ihrer Bildung mehr Wasser erhalten als gedacht.

#Planetenbildung #pds70 #JWST #astronomie #protoplanetar #Wasser

Last updated 1 year ago