Global News BC: Power outage at Peace Arch crossing, drivers urged to find alternative route #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #WashingtonStateDepartmentOfTransportation #Peacharchpoweroutage #US-Canadaportofentry #peacharchwaits #Borderwait #PeaceArch #BCborder #Traffic
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #washingtonstatedepartmentoftransportation #peacharchpoweroutage #us #peacharchwaits #borderwait #peacearch #bcborder #traffic
Global News BC: Long waits at B.C. borders as big events draw Canadians south #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #pacifichighway #BCwaittimes #TaylorSwift #Highway99 #PeaceArch #BCborder #BlueJays #Traffic #Seattle
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #PacificHighway #bcwaittimes #taylorswift #highway99 #peacearch #bcborder #bluejays #traffic #seattle
If you’re headed north on I-5, planning to cross US/Canadian border at #PeaceArch crossing near Blaine, WA, and see ahead of time there’s a long wait at the border, you could have a snack at Drayton Oyster Company on the Blaine waterfront enjoy some super-fresh oysters and seafood indoors or outdoors
And if you’re a #CraftBeer fan, Drayton’s the *only* place to enjoy #AtwoodFarmhouseAles (Blaine, WA) Dark Harbor #OysterStout on draft. Drayton provides the oyster shells for the stout, too!
#oysterstout #atwoodfarmhouseales #craftbeer #peacearch
Global News BC: New mental health and addictions unit at B.C.’s Peace Arch Hospital sitting idle #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #peacearchhospitalmentalhealth #mentalhealthandaddictions #mentalhealthtreatment #MentalHealthFacility #PeaceArchHospital #DrugTreatment #MentalHealth #HealthCare #Addiction #PeaceArch #Hospital #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #peacearchhospitalmentalhealth #MentalHealthandAddictions #mentalhealthtreatment #mentalhealthfacility #peacearchhospital #DrugTreatment #mentalhealth #healthcare #addiction #peacearch #hospital #health