Interpreters, Campaigners for UN’s SDG on board the “Peace Boat “ where we’re on a 100 Days cruise in the Pacific with a message for Peace-Led Climate Sustainable Goals to reach out to the world. “Give Peace A Chance “
#sustainablegoals #PeaceAtWork #SDG
We’re be back on land on the first week of April.
#sdg #peaceatwork #sustainablegoals
I used to have a coworker whose Random Drama Generator was always cranked to 11, and they weren't happy until they had transmitted their frustration (or anger).
I used to be the recipient.
Once I realized it, I'd listen but not react. I would ask questions that would lead to solutions, and I helped them think through solutions. They only grew more agitated.
They left me alone after their realized I wouldn't take their bait.
#viralrage #peaceatwork #healthyboundaries #drama #coworker