Humanity is waging war on nature.
Yet, without nature and biodiversity, human survival is at stake.
#PeaceDay is less than 100 days away – a reminder everyone has a role to play in making peace with nature & achieving the #GlobalGoals.
17. Nov: Der heutige World #Peace Day wurde von #DonMorris initiiert und ruft zum #Frieden auf. #PeaceDay #WorldPeaceDay #event
#peace #donmorris #frieden #peaceday #worldpeaceday #event
17. Nov: Der heutige World #Peace Day wurde von #DonMorris initiiert und ruft zum #Frieden auf. #PeaceDay #WorldPeaceDay #event
#peace #donmorris #frieden #peaceday #worldpeaceday #event
RT @jreineadelaide
Dans de nombreux pays, les violences discriminatoires ne faiblissent pas et les droits humains continuent d'être bafoués.
Il faudra bien plus qu'une journée, mais ne nous privons pas de la célébrer.
#JourneeInternationaleDelaPaix #peaceday ✊🌎
#journeeinternationaledelapaix #peaceday
> [Women in 1870] weren’t supposed to be out making speeches or working for political change. And Howe really wanted to find a way for women to express what she thought was an innate nature of love for God and love for humans. She thought that being a mother really was a powerful experience and that after having been a mother, no one could willingly see their sons go off to war to be slaughtered, so she began to organize on behalf of women for peace,
#JuliaWardHowe #MothersDay #PeaceDay
#peaceday #mothersday #JuliaWardHowe
> Howe was very interested by.. the 1870s in the Women’s Movement.. in the Franco-Prussian War.. she looked at this war and she began asking herself.. why is it that nations do this to one another.. what might be possible for women to do on behalf of humanity. And women in this day and age were supposed to be confined to the home...
#MothersDay #MomDay #PeaceDay #JuliaWardHowe #JuliaHowe #BattleHymnOfTheRepublic
#BattleHymnOfTheRepublic #JuliaHowe #JuliaWardHowe #peaceday #MomDay #mothersday