Its been said that once we are gone and those who knew us are gone it will be as though we never existed.
I believe this is true for most humans. I also believe it is incumbent on us to do all the good we can while we can, because as #JamesTaylor put it:
"You can only hope to live on this earth, this here is it, for all it's worth.
Nothing else awaits you, no second birth, no starry crown."
Please don't blow this precious chance we are given to be kind and good to each other. When it's over, it's over. #Peacefulness is all around us, it's up to us to nurture it and pass it along.
Have a #groovy day people.
#jamestaylor #peacefulness #groovy #peace
The ancient Chinese #YinYang symbol represents the balance of #yin (#peacefulness, #serenity, #acceptance, #rest, #rejuvenation, #roots, tradition) with #yang (#activity, #strength, #striving, #movement, #change, #wings, #invention, #progress). A meaningful and #joyful life is to be found in #balance.
#yinyang #yin #peacefulness #serenity #acceptance #rest #rejuvenation #roots #yang #activity #strength #striving #movement #change #wings #invention #progress #joyful #balance
I don't know why but I feel at peace whenever I see the sky. #sky #peacefulness #wednesday
Thank you for creating a decent site for users to have a pleasant experience. I know us Johnny-come-lately-bird-app-escapees leading the #TwitterMigration, are benefiting from years of development/tweaking.
I've only been here since the 8th, and am still learning to navigate, but my initial experience has been utopic, vs that other place! I hope the influx doesn't disrupt the civility here🤞
Now, to find my peoples😅
(I'll get there!😉)
#Mastadon #community #socialmedia #peacefulness #twittermigration
Things I like finding/seeing/experiencing in nature:
• Finding and taking photos of #fungi #mushrooms
• #lookingup - we should all look up more
• #clouds
• the changing of the #seasons
• the #stars and the #moon
• the (good) #smells - like pine-needles underfoot
• urban decay (not the cosmetics brand)
• the sounds of water trickling below and leaves rustling above
• the #peacefulness
• bird song #birdsong
• the shapes of leaves - I love #henrimatisse and leaves make me think of his cutouts
#HenriMatisse #birdsong #peacefulness #smells #moon #stars #seasons #clouds #lookingup #mushrooms #fungi