BeePS · @BPStuart
663 followers · 6041 posts · Server


Welcome to THAT REALLY AWKWARD MOMENT when you can’t identify the same American flag your party is thoroughly disgusted to see Black Americans kneel in front of during the national anthem — a.k.a. exercising their First Amendment peaceful protest rights.

#liberianflag #americanflag #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #takeaknee #colinkaepernick #peacefulprotest #firstamendment #Racism #hypocrisy #MAGA #gop #republicans #independenceday2023

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexander Rogge · @alexanderrogge
42 followers · 1609 posts · Server
IAmDavid · @IAmDavid
25 followers · 529 posts · Server
IAmDavid · @IAmDavid
25 followers · 527 posts · Server

Welcome to totalitarian britain, where the police say one thing and do another. It’s not surprising the piblic have lost faith in all ´public servants’ given the lies being told. Police accused of ‘alarming’ attack on protest rights after anti-monarchist leader arrested

#peacefulprotest #totalitarianbritain #liberty

Last updated 2 years ago

TrevorN · @tcnicholls
146 followers · 322 posts · Server

So far as I know, the Metropolitan Police do not employ pre-cogs; nevertheless they are happy to arrest people for crimes that they might commit in the future despite there being no evidence for them in either the past or present.

#ukpolice #Coronation #peacefulprotest

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert · @bratling
8 followers · 108 posts · Server

A women’s university in Delhi was attacked by huge crowd of men during a school featival last month. Women were molested and outright raped after men broke down the gates to the school. Later the students organized a peaceful protest over the school’s response, and the school had police arrest them.
One woman has had the courage to tell this story on Reddit. Please read and consider spreading. (I got permission.)

#socialjustice #peacefulprotest #humanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1665 followers · 816 posts · Server

@princesaballena @atatassault @atomic @kimlockhartga @Gdac

When the injustice and tyranny of your opponent is made plain to everyone, you draw more followers to your cause. When you engage in injustice and violence against your fellow citizens, you push people away from your cause.

There are many (proven successful) methods of methods of . We should be focusing on those, instead of wasting time discussing a losing strategy.

#nonviolent #protest #nonviolentprotest #peacefulprotest #nonviolence

Last updated 2 years ago

Barack Obama: “This nation was built on . No elected official should lose their job simply for raising their voice – especially when they’re doing it on behalf of our children.

What happened in is the latest example of a broader erosion of civility and democratic norms. Silencing those who disagree with us is a sign of weakness, not strength, and it won’t lead to progress.”

#barackobama #DemocracyUnderThreat #Fascism #Racism #gunviolence #riseup #thetennesseethree #tennessee #peacefulprotest

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1665 followers · 816 posts · Server

@princesaballena @atatassault @atomic @kimlockhartga @Gdac

I don't see most people being willing or able to . And I don't see bringing about ANY real positive change. Violence makes a look bad, which is why groups like demand their do not engage or be drawn into ANY violence.

The folks who can't afford to miss a rent payment definitely can't afford any jail time or criminal record. And most people are happy to peacefully, but will gladly turn in any agitators in their midst.

Violence plays into the hands of the and builds UP the rhetoric of the other side, giving it validity in the eyes of its followers.

requires patience, but it never fails in the long run.

The tyrants always fall... always.

#riot #riots #protestmovement #marchforourlives #protestors #protest #peacefulprotest #mlk #pacifism #protests #protesting #activism #activistsofmastodon #activists #protestmovements #gandhi #gandhiji #mahatmaghandi #fascists #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago

@staidwinnow 2/ Think Selma. Think the Woolworth’s lunch counter. Think Rosa Parks. Think the women of Iran burning their hijabs and Israelis standing up to Netanyahu. is one of the most powerful forces for change on earth, which is why work so hard to silence us. Standing with an empty sign will get you arrested in Moscow. Even the symbol of protest scares .

#resistance #thetennesseethree #authoritarians #fascists #peacefulprotest

Last updated 2 years ago

🇺🇸MelodyKayYoung🇺🇦 · @Melody
606 followers · 6045 posts · Server

Speaking out against violence is not the same thing as participating in violence.

Tennessee needs to protest Republican abuse of power, both in lying about Democrats and in seeking to expel them.

🕊️ 🕯️ 🇺🇸

Compare and contrast insurrection to protest:

#peacefulprotest #stopabuse #nomorelies

Last updated 2 years ago

🇺🇸MelodyKayYoung🇺🇦 · @Melody
606 followers · 6044 posts · Server

Tennessee needs to protest Republican abuse of power. 🕊️ 🇺🇸

#peacefulprotest #stopabuse #nomorelies

Last updated 2 years ago

Jennifer McMurray · @jennimcmurray
284 followers · 462 posts · Server

were protesting in and passersby shouted at the demonstrators and at least one skateboarder hit at least one demonstrator with a .

I don't support by any means, but I don't support like this either.

We have to be better. People with different beliefs are allowed to . That's one of the main tenets of the in the .

#trumpsupporters #huntingtonbeach #skateboard #DonaldTrump #violence #peacefulprotest #billofrights #usconstitution

Last updated 2 years ago

🇺🇸MelodyKayYoung🇺🇦 · @Melody
597 followers · 5698 posts · Server

Could be worse.

Could be in France, where as long as you don’t get caught and don’t say nasty things on Facebook, you can burn down hundred year old buildings in protest at 2 years added to your retirement, and face pretty much no consequences.

Except that some history and beauty is gone now that won’t come back. 🔥
At least y’all still have healthcare…

Il y a des cons partout,
Don’t @ me about Americans, La France. 🙃

Et tbh imo, Macron is wrong, mais…


#freespeech #peacefulprotest #wisdom

Last updated 2 years ago

BeePS · @BPStuart
259 followers · 1472 posts · Server
BeePS · @BPStuart
253 followers · 1448 posts · Server

Peaceful protest in Black…
and White.

Pictured: (Left) Colin Kaepernick, kneeling in PEACEFUL PROTEST during the national anthem, before a football game. (Right) January 6 rioters, Trump supporters, attacking police officers with a flag pole to which an American flag is attached upside down.

#Racism #hypocrisy #attackonthecapitol #gop #MAGA #Trump #January6 #mobmentality #policebrutality #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #civilrights #colinkaepernick #1stamendment #peacefulprotest #america

Last updated 2 years ago

Katy J.E. · @KatyElphinstone
921 followers · 1883 posts · Server
5OUTH W35T OHIO ANONS · @LinuxRoot
55 followers · 564 posts · Server
Thailand Watch · @ThailandWatch
100 followers · 79 posts · Server

: “…authorities have arrested, prosecuted, surveilled & intimidated child protesters for taking part in…mass demonstrations… Compared to previous waves of protest in Thailand, an overwhelming number of participants were…under 18…[demanding] educational, political, economic & social reforms… nearly 300 under-18s have faced criminal charges, with some at risk of years in prison…accused of sedition or insulting the monarchy…” | AI

#thailand #childrights #peacefulprotest

Last updated 2 years ago