RT from STREIT Group (@STREITGroupOFL)
Streit Group's Riot Control Water Cannon I Police Vehicles: https://youtu.be/jeGkWpvq-J0
#LawEnforcement #Security #Safety #PeacefulProtests #RiotControl
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/STREITGroupOFL/status/1660465550986735617
#lawenforcement #security #safety #peacefulprotests #riotcontrol
RT from STREIT Group (@STREITGroupOFL)
As the #policing industry continues to evolve and develop, Streit Group has recently released their newest, state-of-the-art #RiotControl Side Barricade #Police Vehicles.
#securityvechicles #peacefulprotests #lawenforsement
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/STREITGroupOFL/status/1652864207317082113
#policing #riotcontrol #police #securityvechicles #peacefulprotests #lawenforsement
RT from STREIT Group (@STREITGroupOFL)
Stay ahead of the curve with the #StreitGroup's latest #RiotControl Front Barricade #PoliceVehicles.
#LawEnforcement #Security #Safety #PeacefulProtests #RiotControl
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/STREITGroupOFL/status/1651110872448749568
#streitgroup #riotcontrol #policevehicles #lawenforcement #security #safety #peacefulprotests
First, peaceful protesting is always the most effective tool for change in the long run.
Second, nothing these rioters are doing is OK. Breaking windows of businesses which have NOTHING to do with their issues is always wrong.
Finally, if these people want to save Atlanta's forests downtown is not the place to make their point. STOP IT NOW!!!