If you’re planning to be at either #KubeConEU or #REJEKTS2023, come find me for On-Call Me Maybe | @oncallmemaybe stickers!
#kubeconeu #rejekts2023 #ocmmpodcast #peacelovecode #kubecon #podcast #techpodcast
This week on @oncallmemaybe, @anamedina and I learned some cool #telecom fun facts from our guest, Jenny Gee-Link:
1/ We’ve changed the way we’ve communicated in the last 15-20 years
2/ Fewer and fewer voice calls are being made from phones, because people are messaging each other instead
3/ Voice calls tend to spike when there’s a radio giveaway
Check out Jenny's episode below, and don't forget to follow and subscribe!
#telecom #ocmmpodcast #peacelovecode
Don't forget to check out this week's episode, and subscribe for more awesome chats with awesome folks!
#podcast #podcasting #techpodcast #devrellife #ocmmpodcast #peacelovecode
#podcast #podcasting #techpodcast #devrellife #ocmmpodcast #peacelovecode
Be sure to check out Jen’s episode, and don’t forget to subscribe!! ⬇️⬇️
#podcast #podcasting #ocmmPodcast #peacelovecode #sitereliabilityengineering #oncall #devops
#podcast #podcasting #ocmmpodcast #peacelovecode #SiteReliabilityEngineering #oncall #devops
This week, @adrianamvillela and @anamedina talk with guest Shingi Kanhukamwe.
Shingi's interest in business led to a career in organizational transformation, where he now combines both. He shares helpful dos and don’ts of technical transformations
#onCallMeMaybe #devops #oncall #sre #observability #devrel #ocmmPodcast #peaceLoveCode
#oncallmemaybe #devops #oncall #sre #observability #devrel #ocmmpodcast #peacelovecode
Catch OCMM co-hosts @adrianamvillela and @anamedina at SLOconf this year!
#peacelovecode #sre #sitereliability #slo
The best analogy we've ever heard for explaining SLOs, courtesy of the SLO guru himself, @ahidalgosre
#ocmmpodcast #peacelovecode #sitereliabilityengineering #sre #podcast #podcasting
#ocmmpodcast #peacelovecode #sitereliabilityengineering #sre #podcast #podcasting
Be sure to subscribe to On-Call Me Maybe and check out Alex’s episode!!
#ocmmPodcast #devrel #peaceLoveCode #podcast #podcasting #techPodcast
#ocmmpodcast #devrel #peacelovecode #podcast #podcasting #techpodcast
Our last episode of Season 1 of On Call Me Maybe has dropped! We are so grateful to all of our guests for coming on and sharing their thoughts, and of course, to our listeners making us a part of your lives! We are hard at work recording the next season of OCMM, so stay tuned in early 2023 for Season 2 to drop!!
Link to episode below ⬇️⬇️⬇️
#ocmmPodcast #podcast #podcasting #techPodcast #peaceLoveCode
Peace, love, and code! ☮️❤️👩💻
#ocmmpodcast #podcast #podcasting #techpodcast #peacelovecode