Os Aerosmith anunciaram a sua tour de despedida.
A idade dos músicos terá sido o argumento para a tomada de decisão.
"Ah!... Já temos uma certa idade e tal..."
Mick Jagger e Keith Richards já reagiram e terão dito qualquer coisa como:
"Oh! Meninos! Não têm o nosso andamento."
#Aerosmith #PeaceOut #AerosmithFarewellTour
#aerosmith #peaceout #aerosmithfarewelltour
@AliceMarshall being a #novid takes continuous effort. I will persevere but sure would appreciate others using #masks in proximity of #immunocompromised folks. No additional #HealthBurdens welcome. #Protect and #Respect - #WearAMask please <I know folks here continue to practice compassion but the vast majority of others simply do not care> #BanAR15s #StopGunViolence #PeaceOut
#novid #masks #ImmunoCompromised #healthburdens #protect #respect #WearAMask #banar15s #stopgunviolence #peaceout
RT @tishaura@twitter.com
This is the final straw for me. I’m out.
Follow me on Instagram @tishaura@twitter.com.
Y’all can have this bird app.
Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate and Happy Holidays.
#PeaceOut https://twitter.com/mmasnick/status/1595337555612168192
The final straw just broke - deactivated my account at the birdsite, & deleted the app from all my devices. #FuckFascism #FuckBillionaires #FuckTwitter #PeaceOut #MicDrop
#fuckfascism #micdrop #peaceout #fucktwitter #fuckbillionaires
Ich muss unbedingt noch loswerden bevor der morgige Frühdienst mich ins Bettchen schickt:
Im Gegensatz zu einigen die #neuhier sind fühle ich mich zum Glück pudelwohl!
Ich finde die Bedienung intuitiv, die Community meganice, den Umgangston wertschätzend. 🥰
Verstehe vielleicht noch nicht alles, kommt aber noch. Und hab so viele nette alte & neue Bekannte getroffen.
Danke #Fediverse und danke der Adminperson von @medibubble.org die mir das ermöglicht. 💐
#peaceout ✌🏼☮️🌈
Spreading some #love and #colors, thank you Beastie Boys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkeE2O15RFs #peaceout #positive #socializing #yellowredblue
#love #colors #peaceout #positive #socializing #yellowredblue