@anchr I don't hate the #Nobel #PeacePrize , but I can see how you got that impression. That's my fault.
I was awkwardly trying to point to the irony of the situation.
The only prize I dislike is the Bank of Sweden Prize for Economic Science in memory of Alfred Nobel, which was conceived by Swedish bankers in the 1960s, and it is not a "#NobelPrize " at all, but they insist on pretending that it is! 😒
#nobel #peaceprize #nobelprize
Iran Awakening: A Memoir of Revolution and Hope by Shirin Ebadi
Recommended from (@ekoskaiphos) Michael Dean Edwards Goodreads Central Asia Bookshelf (2006) by the 2003 #Nobel #PeacePrize recipient
Avui som a l’esdeveniment del Luxembourg Peace Price.Steve Killelea presenta “The global Peace índex 2021/2022”. I recolliran el Luxemburg Prize “Peace Barcelona 2025”(Outstanding Públic Peace Efforts) i el @FCBarcelona_cat (Outstanfing Sports for Peace)
#peaceprize #Luxembourg