‘“Peace is a quest. The human condition and all the challenges we have, such as climate change and food insecurity, are going to need action for the next 20, 30, 40 years. These are not short-term, fashionable issues.” #PeaceStudies #Education #AlternativeThinking
‘They thought we were all communists’: Bradford’s peace studies department turns 50 https://www.theguardian.com/education/2023/apr/08/bradford-university-peace-studies-department-turns-50?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#peacestudies #education #alternativethinking
#Trans #Queer #Peace #TransingPeaceStudies #PeaceStudies
Title: How can we build trans peace?
CW: Discussions of Violence, Transphobia
Transpiring Influences: The amazing trans people and allies at the #TransformingGenderConference in Boulder, CO, USA!
NOTE: This week’s entry is interactive! You can participate as you read through the thread by pausing each time you come across a question and sharing your own thoughts and reflections in the replies.
#transpiringconsiderations #trans #queer #peace #transingpeacestudies #peacestudies #transforminggenderconference
So, giving a guest lecture today on Judith Butler's "The Force of Nonviolence," emphasizing gender intersections. This includes discussion of zombie apocalypses, hot takes on Gandhi, and the argument that throwing bricks at cops is an act of nonviolence.
Is this something my folks here would be interested in seeing a recording of? It would need to be modified, but considering putting a video of it up here (or on YouTube)
#GenderStudies #PeaceStudies #TransingPeace #SocialSciences #Activism
#genderstudies #peacestudies #transingpeace #socialsciences #activism
Does anyone know a good piece (scholarly or otherwise) on the history of Suffragette non-violent and passive resistance actions, like hunger strikes?
I am kind of astounded I keep coming across sources that want to credit Gandhi with influencing the British women's movement on non-violence and ignore that he literally credits the Suffragettes as one of his big influences.
#PeaceStudies #NonViolence #Feminism #FeministHistory #Histodon
#peacestudies #nonviolence #feminism #feministhistory #histodon
Gosh, MLK could have been describing what it's like being a trans person right now:
"Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection." -MLK Jr., Letter from a Birmingham Jail
The problem of the white moderate is the problem of the cis moderate. Never forget, anti-racism and the fight for trans rights are intertwined.
Fühle mich sehr geehrt und froh, dass meine leidenschaftliche, unbezahlte und ehrenamtliche Arbeit ankommt!
Das Zentrum für Friedensforschung & Friedensbildung (Uni Klagenfurt) hat mich in ihrem Friedensgruß dankend erwähnt 🙏 #Frieden #PeaceStudies #PeaceJournalism #VIPR #varnapeace
#Frieden #peacestudies #peacejournalism #vipr #varnapeace
Zaira #Zafarana is the main representative to the U.N Geneva & U.N. Coordinator of U.N. Program and Conscientious Objection to Military Service Project. Zaira works for IFOR (International Fellowship of Reconciliation).
3:48 - #IFOR
8:30 Peace Movements in #Italy
17:03 Conscientious Objection to Military Service
"The Freedom to choose not to kill"
49:13 - Dersert from a War; Political Asylum
54:50 - Ruslan #Kuzaba #journalism
#Peace #peacestudies #peacetalk
#zafarana #IFOR #italy #kuzaba #journalism #peace #peacestudies #peacetalk
#CFP: Discourses of Unity in Ireland and Europe #IrishStudies #PeaceStudies #Brexit #BorderStudies http://www.iasil.org/2023/01/cfp-discourses-of-unity-in-ireland-and-europe/
#CfP #irishstudies #peacestudies #brexit #borderstudies
Violence was widespread in early farming society, says new study
"The findings also suggest the rise of growing crops and herding animals as a way of life, replacing hunting and gathering, may have laid the foundations for formalized warfare."
#violencestudies #violenceresearch #peacestudies
Interested in #PeaceStudies #Peace #Quakers #conscientiousobjectors ? Join an online zoom discussing Quakers and actions past and current. Tap here to register. https://www.fcnl.org/events/quaker-changemaker-series
#conscientiousobjectors #quakers #Peace #peacestudies
Want to see what kinds of things I do in the world of research and scholarship? What to trans your notions of peace, justice, and violence? Well, here's a webinar I did last year, with my colleague Dr. Jamie Hagen and my wife Dr. Mikee Inton-Campbell, talking about the special issue of Peace Review we were working on at the time.
#TransingPeace #QueeringPeace #QueeringSecurity #SocialScience #PeaceStudies #InternationalRelations #TransformativeJustice
#transingpeace #queeringpeace #queeringsecurity #socialscience #peacestudies #internationalrelations #transformativejustice
Our new contribution in Political Violence at a Glance on political imprisonment and mass mobilization: https://politicalviolenceataglance.org/2023/01/05/putting-ideas-behind-bars-heres-why-it-doesnt-work/
#PolSci #PeaceAndConflict #PeaceStudies #Iran #MahsaAmini
#polsci #peaceandconflict #peacestudies #iran #mahsaamini
How many times have #transgender people or perspectives been discussed in leading #PeaceStudies journals in the last three decades? If you don't include a token mention as part of an acronym, I found exactly...2. Two papers ever in ten of the leading journals in the field of #PeaceAndConflict Studies were found in my brief literature review last year for my piece "Trans-ing Peace Studies: An Introduction." Trans authors are even rarer. This why I am #TransingPeace
#transgender #peacestudies #peaceandconflict #transingpeace
Personal Best of 2022: Trans-ing Peace Studies!
Co-authored the introduction to a special issue of Peace Review I guest-edited with my partner in crime, Dr. Mikee Inton-Campbell. It was the first time in over 20 years that articles were published in the journal about transgender communities and one of the only collections of pieces in the field centering trans voices.
#TransScholar #PeaceStudies #PeaceReview #TransingPeaceStudies #QueeringPeaceStudies #Queer
#transscholar #peacestudies #peacereview #transingpeacestudies #queeringpeacestudies #queer
Proudest moment of 2022 for me was seeing this special issue of Peace Review I co-guest-edited become a reality!
"Trans Intersections of Violence and Peace" was the first time articles centered on trans folks were published in Peace Review in over 20 years! Some articles are open access, but dm me and I can help you get access to pre-print versions of those that aren't.
#transstudies #peacestudies #transingpeace
Curious if there are any mastadonians working in areas of #conflicttransformation #conflictresolution #peacestudies #conflictandpeace #mediation ?
Would love to find some community in these sreas as I consider my #gradschool options. The search bar didn't yield the results I was hoping for.
#conflicttransformation #conflictresolution #peacestudies #conflictandpeace #mediation #gradschool
Friedensbewegte Menschen dieser Erde unter sich ❤️😎
Austausch & Gossip mit den lieben Wilfried Graf (Kelman Institut) und Werner Wintersteiner (Uni Klagenfurt).
Ein toller, lustiger, lehrreicher und auch produktiver Abend ✌️
#frieden #politik #Friedensforschung #frieden #peace #peacestudies #peacetalk
#Frieden #politik #Friedensforschung #peace #peacestudies #peacetalk
Oliver Richmond - #Cyprus Conflict, IR, Emancipatory Peace, #IMF, International Peace Architecture, #Geopolitics #worldpolitics
5:33 - Cyprus Conflict (1878-2022)
15:21 - Positive (Galtung) and Emancipatory Peace (Richmond)
20:00 - Epistemic Violance
25:41 - IMF, (Neo-)Liberal Peace and Liberal Statebuilding
36:27 - Architecture of International Peace in the Asian Century
#peacestudies #frieden #varnapeace #politics #geopolitics #vipr
#interview #cyprus #imf #geopolitics #WorldPolitics #peacestudies #Frieden #varnapeace #politics #vipr
Can we start projects here, like #gamersforpeace and #artistsforpeace? #Games like #LeagueOfLegends connect us already through #peace and #war zones. I would like to see the EUW community to fight for the #MiddleEast for example. I would also like to create and #donate #art to support #peacestudies or so, see us gain attention through sharing our #artwork and use the positive (look at the WoWWiki! for eg!) energy a community like those of #gamers can have.
Anyone an idea?
#gamersforpeace #artistsforpeace #games #leagueoflegends #peace #war #middleeast #donate #art #peacestudies #artwork #gamers #mastodonforpeace
once more my interests, now with hashtags: I'm interested in #cycling #desertification #landscapes #permaculture #urbanGardening #agroecology #pollinators #beekeeping #multispeciesFutures #FutureStudies #solarpunk #peaceStudies #commons #degrowth #postgrowth
And I did work and research in #Japan #Taiwan #Phillippines
I hope to find positive exchange and seeing all kinds of emancipated, decolonial, regenerative, intersectional alternatives.
Any recommendation on which instance I should be?
#phillippines #Taiwan #Japan #postgrowth #degrowth #Commons #peacestudies #SolarPunk #futurestudies #multispeciesfutures #beekeeping #pollinators #agroecology #urbangardening #permaculture #landscapes #desertification #Cycling