ELN: Work Continues at the Peace Talks Table in Cuba
#ELN #Cuba #PeaceTalk #Colombia
#eln #cuba #peacetalk #colombia
Zaira #Zafarana is the main representative to the U.N Geneva & U.N. Coordinator of U.N. Program and Conscientious Objection to Military Service Project. Zaira works for IFOR (International Fellowship of Reconciliation).
3:48 - #IFOR
8:30 Peace Movements in #Italy
17:03 Conscientious Objection to Military Service
"The Freedom to choose not to kill"
49:13 - Dersert from a War; Political Asylum
54:50 - Ruslan #Kuzaba #journalism
#Peace #peacestudies #peacetalk
#zafarana #IFOR #italy #kuzaba #journalism #peace #peacestudies #peacetalk
I was fortunate to be invited at the meeting of the Scientists for Peace, in which the one and only Yurii Sheliazhenko gave a wonderful speech and made some clear analysis!
I had the honor of presenting my work there 🙏
#Peace #meeting #peacetalk #politics #geopolitics #worldpolitics ##frieden #Friedensforschung #ukraine #ukrainekrieg #ukrainerussland #ukrainekrise #ukraineKonflikt #ideologie #propaganda #politikwissenschaft #ukrainewar
#peace #meeting #peacetalk #politics #geopolitics #WorldPolitics #Frieden #Friedensforschung #ukraine #Ukrainekrieg #UkraineRussland #Ukrainekrise #Ukrainekonflikt #ideologie #propaganda #politikwissenschaft #UkraineWar
Friedensbewegte Menschen dieser Erde unter sich ❤️😎
Austausch & Gossip mit den lieben Wilfried Graf (Kelman Institut) und Werner Wintersteiner (Uni Klagenfurt).
Ein toller, lustiger, lehrreicher und auch produktiver Abend ✌️
#frieden #politik #Friedensforschung #frieden #peace #peacestudies #peacetalk
#Frieden #politik #Friedensforschung #peace #peacestudies #peacetalk
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Prof Heike Wendt & Prof Anwar Alfaidhi at the Peace Conference 2022 Local Peace Formation [Iraq]
This online conference is organized by the Varna Institute for Peace Research (VIPR), the Department of Global Governance (Institute of the Foundations of Law) at the University of Graz
#peacestudies #frieden #varnapeace #vipr #conference #konferenz #meeting #peacetalk #peace #politics #geopolitics #worldpolitics
#iraq #peace #education #resi #peacestudies #Frieden #varnapeace #vipr #conference #konferenz #meeting #peacetalk #politics #geopolitics #WorldPolitics
Communist insurgency/ rebellion, colonialism and peace negotiations in the Philippines - lecture by:
Ass Prof Dr Regletto Aldrich at the Peace Conference 2022 - Local Peace Formation [Philippines]
This online conference is organized by VIPR & Uni Graz
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#peacestudies #Frieden #varnapeace #vipr #conference #konferenz #meeting #peacetalk #peace #politics #geopolitics #WorldPolitics #power #history #colonialism #imperialelebensweise #imperialism #philippines
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போர் நிறுத்தப்பட்டு ரஷ்ய படைகள் முழுமையாக வெளியேற வேண்டும்! பேச்சுவார்த்தையில் உக்ரைன் கறார்… https://patrikai.com/russia-ukraine-kyiv-and-moscow-started-talks/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#belarus #russia #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #peacetalk