I doubt “Laigheanach” and PUL were right here, but it’s an interesting hypothesis nonetheless.
some links:
http://corpas.ria.ie/index.php?fsg_function=3&fsg_id=581 – original note from “Laigheanach” where he says it’s ‘is againne’
https://issuu.com/cnag/docs/1899a/172 – PUL embraces this version
http://corpas.ria.ie/index.php?fsg_function=3&fsg_id=597 – another response supporting Laigheanach and PUL
In “An Claidheamh Soluis” PUL claimed that Ulster ‘teach sagamsa’ cannot be the same as southern ‘an tigh seo agamsa’ and instead must be parsed as ‘teach is agamsa’, ‘(the) house that is at us’ and compares it to ‘cethardai as cuintesta’ from Aislinge Meic Chon Glinne.
For him, ‘an’ *must* have preceded ‘so, seo, san, sin, úd’ after a common noun, so only ‘an teach so agamsa’. PUL would not be pleased with ‘ní raibh PUL róthógtha le _heagrán seo Atkinson_’ …
Tánadar fa dheireadh. :)
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