Not a "#ClimateChange could be advantageous to tourism [for longer season and new destinations]" article. :oh_no:
I wonder if all these peeps realise that soon, if things remain the same way, they won't have a destination to spend their juicy earnings at.
#climatechange #globalwarming #climatecrisis #peakcapitalism
Not content to just sell the chocolate and the #marshmallows for our #s'mores, Hershey now wants to sell us the sticks!
Have you never #roasted a #marshmallow? You don't need to buy sticks. They *literally* (LITERALLY!) grow on trees!
#marshmallow #roasted #s #marshmallows #peakcapitalism
Look #Amazon, the company with over half a trillion of annual revenue, is super generous!
"We voluntarily pay you 6% more than the absolute legal minimum that isn't even enough to survive!"
#amazon #capitalism #peakcapitalism
"Today, German Chancellor #OlafScholz is expected to (...) announce a €9.9 billion #subsidy for the #microprocessor company, so that it sets up a plant in the German town of #Magdeburg."
"To put it bluntly, every German household will contribute €240 to do something that’s traditionally a core task of private enterprise — investing in new factories to meet demand."
#olafscholz #subsidy #microprocessor #magdeburg #politico #peakcapitalism #capitalism #freemarkets
Nennt mich alt, aber früher hat man Sachen mit Werbeaufdruck geschenkt bekommen, weil man ja damit auch Werbung macht wenn man sie trägt - oder man bekam die bei einer "Treue"-Aktion (ein Wort das nur in D🇧🇪 zieht) - aber heute zahlen da Leute Geld für o.O
This #FaceRecognition #surveillance system we now build into your car is really great for your #safety.
And also it lets us sell you shit you didn't know you needed. While you drive.
#FaceRecognition #surveillance #Safety #peakcapitalism
State legislators are literally targeting child labor laws (and offering protection for businesses that employ children who get sick, injured, or die on the job) – instead of giving workers living wages and #LongCovid/healthcare support.
#LongCovid #workersrights #cronycapitalism #peakcapitalism
I've seen phrases such as #PeakCapitalism, #LateStageCapitalism and #EndStageCapitalism bandied about, and while these are all right as far as they go, they don't fully express what nakedly capitalistic behaviors are doing to the common person.
I thus humbly submit the phrase #DeathRattleCapitalism, where multinational corporations and their C-suite "lords of the earth" ride profits out into the wasteland of oblivion for everyone else.
#peakcapitalism #latestagecapitalism #endstagecapitalism #deathrattlecapitalism
Truth. “Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk do a ton of objectively bad stuff, but I just want to be clear that the mere act of holding onto that much money in a world with this much inequality is in itself a brutally evil action, and alone makes them bad.” -planet of finks on twitter #capitalism #capitalismsucks #peakcapitalism
#peakcapitalism #capitalismsucks #capitalism