Falcam Maglink Review: Better than Peak Design!
#photography #falcam #peakdesign
Bought the Peak Design Mobile Tripod earlier this week. Really well built accessory, but a little pricey.
Was concerned about it not quite fitting on the iPhone 13 Mini; but with the case on it’s not too bad.
#peakdesign #mobiletripod #iphone13mini
銀一、Peak Design「アンカーリンクス」の販売を直販店に限定。偽造品急増のため - デジカメ Watch #peakdesign #photography https://dc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1521480.html
The #Gomatic / #Nomatic travel pack 14L arrived a few days ago, I already love it
As someone who doesn’t use a backpack much like they did when working in an office, I still want something great for the times I do go out
The 14L size (expands to 21L) is perfect for me too
The straps feel way better for me than the #PeakDesign everyday backpack 20L
Got the peak design Pixel Pro 7 case and it is much slimmer but for some reason the bottom where the usb c port is like double the padding thats needed and was too wide to allow tgr Backbone one controller to connect. I made the decision to sand down the case and after like an hour of sanding and testing. I finally got it work.
#ps5 #android #Pixel7Pro #peakdesign #backboneone
#ps5 #android #Pixel7Pro #peakdesign #backboneone
So my old Peak Design bag (from their first Kickstarter project) broke down, and turns out a lifetime warranty is really a thing! I couldn't be happier with the way they handled it - seriously! Wrote the long story on my blog, but the gist of it is - sometimes you just find a brand you just want to stick with for the rest of your life.
#peakdesign #findyourpeak #brand #customerservice #kickstarter #warranty #backpack
#peakdesign #findyourpeak #brand #customerservice #kickstarter #warranty #backpack
To my fellow Peak Design (Black) bag users, how do you clean the outside material?
I rarely go anywhere other than my home office, and my car and im seeing weird white “scuff” spots in random places? Im assuming gentle microfiber and water?
Loving my new #PeakDesign 15L camera backpack. Just discovered that you can use the zipper security strap to keep the top lid open, creating a mini stationary station. Not sure if that was intentional design, but it works great 😄
Picked up my Peak Design bag for my trip; along with their Tech Pouch so I have plenty of room for all my…nerd gear ;-)
I was on the fence about going for the 30L, but jeez is that sucker huge.
I’m not a camera guy. But anyone else a fan of #peakdesign ? I Have the mobile stuff and a two bags. Best bags ever!
I've been organizing my #camera stuff. I have about every version of #tripod mounts:-( In my search to understand the mess I ran across a really useful site for explaining camera gear, capture clips and plates from one specific corp, #PeakDesign. https://support.peakdesign.com/hc/en-us/articles/201291333-Using-Peak-Design-Plates-in-3rd-Party-Tripods
They don't seem to have a presence on #mastodon, yet
#camera #tripod #peakdesign #mastodon
Protecting my Pixel 7 Pro! Here's the screen protector and case I'm using on my phone! Good accessories help us get a LOT more use out of gadget!
#google #pixel7pro #android #tech #geek #peakdesign #photography
#google #Pixel7Pro #android #tech #geek #peakdesign #photography
Reddit's answer to all performance issues!
#pixelart #tripplebuffering #wheredoesthebufferingend #pixaki #realvideo #windows95forever #peakdesign #peakperformance
#pixelart #tripplebuffering #wheredoesthebufferingend #pixaki #realvideo #windows95forever #peakdesign #PeakPerformance
my #peakdesign case is so fucked. i think i’ll head to their store tomorrow
3 years ago at @codefreeze I learned that apart from always having a camera on you, you should also a always have your snowshoes with you.
So figured out how to mount them properly to my photo backpack. #peakdesign #tubbs
@chartier Yes, #PeakDesign has been super aggressive. I actually didn't mind the occasional text message from them either, but it just got to be too much this season.
Reason it is a tad too big for me is because I need a bag that is in between my Kankan Laptop 15 backpack and Moment Fanny pack. The Sling 6L is the same size as the Kanken backpack. So no purpose keeping it. #photography #PeakDesign
So I got the Peak Design Sling 6L and I think it is just a tad too big for my use case. I am going to return it and get the 3L. I'm thinking of using the capture clip for camera or lens if I need a tad more space. I do wish someone made a rain cover for the slings and added capture camera or lens addition. Google comes up with no results but I'm sure I can find a small rain cover that would work even if it's not made for it. #photography #PeakDesign
Does Peak Design Capture Plates work in Arca Swiss mounts? #photography #PeakDesign
About a year ago people made dozens of videos on #YouTube describing that the #PeakDesign #Tripod is just about the best you can buy.
This year the very same people say it's overpriced and hyped the copy from Ulanzi or something - which is now sold out everywhere, of course.
So I got the Peak Design one. The one made of aluminium for half the price. It's still nice and not turned to dust because a cheaper copy exists. It will probably help me make #photos for years to come.
#youtube #peakdesign #tripod #photos