Remember #peakOil?
Well, a decade later there are some new stats about it ..
#oil #energy #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #peakoil
El día 5 de septiembre, en la Sala Rio Selmo de Ponferrada,os invitamos a la conferencia de Antonio Turiel y Antonio Aretxebala: "Crisis Energética y de materiales".
#septiembre, #Ponferrada #Leon #León #cyl #conferencia #AntonioTuriel #Turiel #AntonioAretxebala #CrisisEnergética #crisis #materiales #capitalismo #sostenibilidad #peakoil #petrocalipsis
#septiembre #ponferrada #leon #cyl #conferencia #antonioturiel #turiel #antonioaretxebala #crisisenergetica #crisis #materiales #capitalismo #sostenibilidad #peakoil #petrocalipsis
Oil is not only a valuable commodity but also a finite one. When the maximum oil extraction rate is reached, the predictions of peak oil have been wrong for decades. Technological innovations, such as fracking and horizontal drilling, have increased the supply and lowered the cost of oil, postponing the peak. This also poses environmental and social risks and does not solve the problem of oil depletion. #Oil #PeakOil #Fracking
Mein Postausgang sagt, dass mein Arbeitstag mehrheitlich so aussieht.
Was mich gerade wundert:
Was ist eigentlich aus #peakoil geworden?
Seitdem #energiewende und #mobilitatswende ganz unter der Flagge des #klimwandel s vorangetrieben werden (was ja ans sich nichts Falsches ist) ist es um dieses Thema ziemlich ruhig geworden.
#peakoil #energiewende #mobilitatswende #Klimwandel
El meu desig: que a aquesta assemblea assisteixin persones representant 1000 entitats i moviments socials.
La meva esperança: el fruit d'aquesta assemblea sigui una campanya d'alfabetització climàtica dirigida a la majoria de la població actual que no està preocupada pel futur que ens marca l' #emergènciaClimàtica (#emergènciaEcològica ) i el #zenitDelPetroli (#peakoil ).
#emergenciaclimatica #emergenciaecologica #zenitdelpetroli #peakoil
Un libro que resucita 15 años después... y una autoentrevista cargada de humor con su autor: #Renovables #PeakOil #Anarquismo
#renovables #peakoil #anarquismo
A very comprehensive update on the #energy revolution with some jaw-dropping graphs from the clever people at #RockyMountainInstitute
#peakoil #renewables #EV #Wind #Solar
#energy #rockymountaininstitute #peakoil #renewables #ev #wind #solar
Rogue machines have already taken over, though.
Australia allow the doomsday machine we call Facebook to pay off our media.
One solice is that #AI will not survive, in a future with less abundant #energy to waste.
Interestingly #Bitcoin can survive when energy is less abundant. Bitcoin can scale down, AI won't be able to really that.
When #PeakOil really hits would you rather be in the #fiveEyes "west", ie. #Australia, #USA, #Canada, #NewZealand or the #UK. Or would you rather be on the #EurasianLandmass.
Its a simple question, but we think it quietly plagues the mind of almost everyone on earth.
#peakoil #fiveeyes #australia #usa #canada #newzealand #uk #eurasianlandmass
@phranck @OomenBerlin @necrosis
Das hatten wir vor Jahrzehnten schon in Kinos und in der Bildungsarbeit durchgespielt, #Transitiontowns hatten noch den Auslöser #PeakOil dabei, bevor #Fracking und heute die andern Gase die Geschäfte änderten: #Krieg hatten wir kaum im Konzept, mit so viel Dummheit hatten wir nicht mehr gerechnet.
#krieg #fracking #peakoil #transitiontowns
Tant qu'il y a de l'#énergie abondante et bon marché pour avoir la productivité qui permette ce genre de choix.
Une fois qu'il n'y a plus de quoi alimenter les machines qui travaillent à notre place, il faudra bien faire, à la force des bras, ce que les machines ne feront plus.
Et là, la semaine de 4 jours sera un lointain souvenir...
#peakoil #picpetrolier #energie
#aihype #peakoil #y2k #ai #herewegoagain #teotwawki
But machines depend on #energy, and energy depends on
1) laws of #Physics
2) #Geology
And they both already said that the game was over.
So no, everyone could not "enjoy a life of luxurious leisure" on a planet populated with 7.9 billions humans.
And less and less of people will be able to do it.
#PeakCoal #peakgaz #peakoil #geology #physics #energy
AI is terrible, yes.
When we look at who are 'hosts' of the #AI #disservices you'll see just how bad.
By comparison #bitcoin reduces #waste in many areas. Bitcoin destroys #consumerism. Almost any bitcoin users can attest to how bitcoin changed the way the see #fiatCurrency, including the #moneyPrinting that serves the greatest polluter on earth — the #USMilitary.
Re: #EV
There're no free lunches,but also, people oft forget #peakOil = a thing.
#ai #disservices #bitcoin #waste #consumerism #fiatCurrency #moneyPrinting #USMilitary #ev #peakoil #pollution
AI is terrible, yes.
When we look at who are 'hosts' of the #AI #disservices you'll see just how bad.
By comparison #bitcoin is reducing #waste in many areas. Bitcoin destroys #consumerism. Almost any bitcoin users can attest to how bitcoin changed the way the see #fiatCurrency, including the #moneyPrinting that serves the greatest polluter on earth — the #USMilitary.
Re: #EV
There are no free lunches, but also, people oft forget #peakOil = a thing.
#ai #disservices #bitcoin #waste #consumerism #fiatCurrency #moneyPrinting #USMilitary #ev #peakoil #pollution
The point is we want to avoid fearful climate caused events. Fear or concern (hesitation) is a rationale response in some context. E.g., near the edge of a cliff.
People that are not concerned about climate change are simply ignorant or fools (e.g., the corrupt fossil fuel executives, their lobbying groups & associated politicians)
Even without the effects of climate change, society is approaching an energy cliff #PeakOil
I’ve been hearing about #peakoil since the 90s. Capitalism has had no trouble finding more oil, and there’s no end in sight.
@Sustainable2050 @emberclimate
« Finally, the EU's second solar PV boom exceeds the first one, which peaked in 2011. »
It will peak too. Solar, like any other #renewableenergy depends heavily on #fossileFuels (more heavily than any other one per kWh produced), and firstly on #oil to get to the #resources : #extract, #transformation, #transportation, #installation and #maintenance.
With the #peakOil, #renewableenergy will decline, and they'll never get to replace anything.
#peakoil #maintenance #installation #transportation #transformation #extract #resources #oil #FossileFuels #renewableenergy