“Tarihten öğreniyoruz ki tarihten hiç bir ders almıyoruz.”
“We learn from history that we don’t learn from history.”
Georg Hegel
Want to point out that 28CFR § 36 is what we know of as the #AmericansWithDisabilitiesAct
§ 36.303 - Auxiliary Aids & Services has #invaluable #PearlsOfWisdom if you have memory issues. it’s a short read
§ 403 - Alterations Path of Travel means what it sounds like for /ALL/ #HealthRelated issues. VERY good to know not only for #wheelchair users, but for those with #atmospheric or #visual related concerns. I’m sure there are a spectrum of others who qualify, as well
Remember- in #MostPlaces
#mostplaces #visual #atmospheric #wheelchair #healthrelated #pearlsofwisdom #invaluable #americanswithdisabilitiesact
Morning — #pearlsofwisdom #TheDarkNightRises
#pearlsofwisdom #thedarknightrises
Reflecting that when you constructively change, don’t announce it, just bloom.