Just recorded a third chapter of #PearlsontheRoad . It's fascinating to hear it out loud and it's already turning into the best #editing tool I've found for really getting the MCs voice right down!
Jist recordit a third chapter o Pearls on the Road. Its gey fascinatin tae hear it oot loud an it's awreidy turnin intae the maist yaisfu tool Ah've foun yet fir really gettin the MCs voice an Scots recht.
#writing #fiction #novel #scots #editing #pearlsontheroad
So, life hasn't let me get on quite as quickly as I'd like on the #editing #PearlsontheRoad and I'm not quite ready for beta readers yet. I will repeat this call again when it's ready, and I swear it won't be long now, but if anyone is interested in beta reading this let me know!
Also, I am about to start recording a spoken version for a friend who prefers #audiobook versions. If you might be interested in this, also let me know!
#Scots #fiction #novel #writing #betareaders
#betareaders #writing #novel #fiction #scots #audiobook #pearlsontheroad #editing
So, I am within spitting distance of finishing my current #edit on #PearlsOntheRoad , which means I will shortly be looking for #betaReaders to help me give it the consistency and polish it's going to need when I start #querying with it.
So, if you have been following last month's #writingWonders , or you are happy reading #scots (or even better, happy to give the #scots language a once over for consistency) then give me a wee #DM and I will be in touch with links when it's ready!
#dm #scots #writingwonders #querying #betareaders #pearlsontheroad #edit
I have had an idea for a new #wip and it's infecting me. I have to resist the lure and get #editing #PearlsontheRoad finished, but it's such a tempting idea.
As I scribbled down the idea in my notebook today it's set in a world of Smugglers, evil colonial types, co-operating nobles, travellers, rebels, revolting peasants, stern religious men, polymath homespun scientists, alchemists and angry, violent women who rum amok in mobs.
#plotting #fantasy #novel
#novel #fantasy #plotting #pearlsontheroad #editing #wip #writing
#snippet #wip
#amEditing #Scots #fiction #novel #fakenews
Came across this while #editing today, and it gave us a wee giggle.
#pearlsontheroad #editing #fakenews #novel #fiction #scots #amediting #wip #snippet