India: Price crash plunges coconut farmers into despair. They blame imports and low support price #CapitalismandFreeTrade #Peasants'Rights #SouthAsia
#CapitalismandFreeTrade #peasants #southasia
Tunisia and the EU must uphold the rights and dignity of migrants #DignityforMigrantsandWagedWorkers #EmergingRegions #Peasants'Rights #Featured
#DignityforMigrantsandWagedWorkers #EmergingRegions #peasants #featured
Haiti: 36 years after the massacre, the peasant struggle continues #TransnationalCompaniesandAgribusiness #DignityforMigrantsandWagedWorkers #Land,WaterandTerritories #Peasants'Rights #LandGrabbing #Caribbean #TètKole #Haiti #MPP
#TransnationalCompaniesandAgribusiness #DignityforMigrantsandWagedWorkers #land #peasants #landgrabbing #caribbean #tetkole #haiti #mpp
Japan’s Food Sovereignty is under threat. The Japanese Family Farmers’ Movement (Nouminren) calls for a structural rethink #AgroecologyandPeasants'Seeds #SouthEastandEastAsia #FoodSovereignty #Peasants'Rights #Nouminren #Featured #Japan
#AgroecologyandPeasants #SouthEastandEastAsia #foodsovereignty #peasants #nouminren #featured #japan
Data for Food Security and Nutrition: CSIPM Vision Statement #FoodSovereignty #Peasants'Rights #CSIPM #CFS
#foodsovereignty #peasants #CSIPM #cfs
Peasant agriculture, a key element in the fight against the climate crisis #ClimateandEnvironmentalJustice #Peasants'Rights #Featured #UNDROP
#ClimateandEnvironmentalJustice #peasants #featured #UNDROP
UNDROP: Peasants’ Rights in practice | Videos #Videosandpodcasts(Peasants'rights) #Peasants'Rights #UNDROP #Video
#Videosandpodcasts #peasants #UNDROP #video
Nepal: Agriculture Minister hints at a law to guarantee Food Sovereignty during Peasant Youth meeting #FoodSovereignty #Peasants'Rights #SouthAsia #Youth #ANPFA
#foodsovereignty #peasants #southasia #youth #anpfa
“When UNDROP was adopted in 2018, Canada abstained but the country among the first to use it in a case on migrant workers’ rights,” says Jessie #KeyDocuments(Peasants'Rights) #Peasants'Rights #NorthAmerica
#KeyDocuments #peasants #northamerica
Calling for True Food Systems Change: Social movements and Indigenous Peoples challenge the UN Food Systems Summit+2 #TransnationalCompaniesandAgribusiness ##NoToFalseSolutions #Peasants'Rights #UNFoodSummit #UNFSS2021
#TransnationalCompaniesandAgribusiness #notofalsesolutions #peasants #UNFoodSummit #UNFSS2021
The legal fight of the Kenyan Peasants League against the lifting of the ban on GMO in Kenya #AgroecologyandPeasants'Seeds #SouthernandEasternAfrica #KenyanPeasantsLeague #Peasants'Rights #Kenya
#AgroecologyandPeasants #SouthernandEasternAfrica #kenyanpeasantsleague #peasants #kenya
In memory of the victims of Melilla – La Via Campesina joins the Vth Maghreb Social Forum on Migration #DignityforMigrantsandWagedWorkers #Peasants'Rights
#DignityforMigrantsandWagedWorkers #peasants
Today in Labor History June 11, 1352, a series of trials were held against laborers from Wiltshire, England. The authorities accused them of violating a 1349 ordinance requiring all laborers to accept the wages they had received in 1346. This conflict stemmed directly from the horrors of the Black Death, which had killed 75-200 million Europeans between 1347 and 1351, or 30-60% of the entire continent’s population. In some regions of Europe (e.g., France, Spain, Italy) as many as 80% of the population died. However, the labor shortage that arose from all the deaths did potentially increase workers’ power. Many peasants used the opportunity to demand better conditions or to leave their landlords property entirely. The 1349 ordinance was an attempt to force laborers to stay where they were and continue working for their desperate landlords.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #plague #pandemic #uprising #rebellion #peasants #landlord #europe
#workingclass #LaborHistory #plague #pandemic #uprising #rebellion #peasants #landlord #europe
Today in Labor History June 7, 1788: Residents of Grenoble, France, tossed roof tiles and junk down upon royal troops during the Day of the Tiles. This was one of the first events of the French Revolution. Tensions had been rising because of poor harvests, poverty and hunger. To make matters worse, the aristocracy and the church continued to collect royalties from the peasants and refused to do anything to help alleviate their misery. On the morning of June 7, men and women began marching through the streets of Grenoble, with sticks and rocks, axes and metal bars. They took over the cathedral and rang the bells, which drew in peasants from the countryside. When the navy attacked a 75-year-old man, the people began ripping up the streets. They climbed to the rooftops and began throwing tiles and other projectiles at the soldiers below. They forced the politicians to flee.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #France #Revolution #poverty #peasants
#workingclass #LaborHistory #france #Revolution #poverty #peasants
> ... this peasant tradition..[is] often heretical and subversive. “Don’t run away from anything,” says the Russian peasant proverb, “but don’t do anything.”.... the peasantry everywhere can be defined as a class of survivors. For a century and a half now the tenacious ability of peasants to survive has confounded administrators and theorists...
1979!!! #JohnBerger in the Introduction to #PigEarth and the other two books in the #PeasantTrilogy #Peasants #Survivors #PeasantTradition
#peasanttradition #survivors #peasants #PeasantTrilogy #PigEarth #JohnBerger
> ... this peasant tradition..[is] often heretical and subversive. “Don’t run away from anything,” says the Russian peasant proverb, “but don’t do anything.”.... the peasantry everywhere can be defined as a class of survivors. For a century and a half now the tenacious ability of peasants to survive has confounded administrators and theorists...
1979!!! #JohnBerger in the Introduction to #PigEarth and the other two books in the #PeasantTrilogy #Peasants #Survivors #PeasantTradition
#peasanttradition #survivors #peasants #PeasantTrilogy #PigEarth #JohnBerger
La Via Campesina Warns of Democratic Frailty in Ecuador #InternationalSolidarity #FoodSovereignty #Peasants'Rights #PeasantsRights #Solidarity #Zoom
#internationalsolidarity #foodsovereignty #peasants #PeasantsRights #solidarity #zoom
There are ways the #executive class could make returning to the #office more attractive, of course—say by going back to the concept of an office, where everyone who works there has a room assigned only to them, with at least a desk, a chair, and a door they can close when they really need to concentrate. But that might give the #peasants ideas above their station, so don’t hold your breath.
Really this may the one good thing to come out of #covid. The traditional office structure was already pretty rickety before the #pandemic: the #infrastructure was in place for half or more of “office” work to be done at home. I’ve been doing exactly that for coming up on four years now (!) and although I do sometimes miss the camaraderie of the #lab, for the most part I’m quite happy with the situation. I won’t be at all sorry if the nineteenth crow turns out to be the coup de grace.
The new #nobility is going to have to adapt, and just like the old nobility, they don’t handle that well. It’s not about #money, and it never has been. It’s about #power, and one way to make your power over your fellow human beings explicit is forcing them to be somewhere they don’t want to be for most of their adult lives. #Duke #CEO and #Baron #MBA are quite reluctant to give that up. Things are going to be messy for a while.
#infrastructure #lab #nobility #money #power #duke #baron #mba #office #COVID #executive #peasants #pandemic #ceo
From Mons to the World: La Via Campesina Celebrates 30 Years of globalizing peasant struggle and solidarity #FoodSovereignty #Peasants'Rights #Mons2023 #Europe #Zoom
#foodsovereignty #peasants #mons2023 #europe #zoom