Lorg mi an-diugh a tha #PeatAndDiesel a' tùradh le #GogolBordello anns a' ghamhradh seo. Bidh na cuirmean-ciùil cho sgoinneil!
Ach tha na tiogaidean caran daor agus feumeadh sinn treànaichean is taigh-òsta cuideachd.
'S dòcha bliadhna eile?
BBC Alba: Horo Gheallaidh - Peat and Diesel | Cuirm @ Celtic Connections | BBC ALBA https://invidious.weblibre.org/watch?v=rEv-2T430Sc Seo Peat and Diesel le 'Horo Gheallaidh' bho Cuirm @ Celtic Connections.
Peat and Diesel playing 'Horo Gheallaidh' at Cuirm @ Celtic Connections.
#PeatandDiesel #iplayer #CelticConnections
Fo-Sgrìobh gu BBC ALBA agus brùth air a' 🔔 👉 bit.ly/BBCALBAsubscribe
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#peatanddiesel #iplayer #celticconnections