#PeatPaper #PaperAlert.
I was invited to write this Commentary:
Joining forces with Bjorn Robroek @Radboud_uni, we discuss how a recent study contributes to the scientific understanding on the role plant-soil interactions play in the carbon-sink function of #peatlands.
Sphagnum mosses may not be the only ecosystem engineers in peatlands, as the ericoid mycorrhizal symbiosis engineers #carbon and #nutrient cycling in nutrient poor bogs.
#peatpaper #paperalert #peatlands #carbon #nutrient #science #ecology
A new #peatpaper from our group by Harry Shepherd, Bjorn Robroek, and others. Can the use of soil inoculation fast-track post-fire 🔥 #peatland recovery? Yes it can, but only if we raise the water table.
Read the full open access publication here:
#mosstodon #ecology #conservation #restoration #ScienceMastodon #PaperAlert
#peatpaper #peatland #Mosstodon #ecology #conservation #restoration #ScienceMastodon #paperalert
RT @flo_renouwilson@twitter.com
Excellent new paper and thread on community-led #restoration and getting a new vision of sustainable management of #peatlands from the bottom up.
👇 https://twitter.com/irishboglife/status/1595135321397919744
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/flo_renouwilson/status/1595336707674869760
#restoration #peatlands #peatpaper