God, I love this watch
Recently, while on holidays, I exposed my beloved #banglejs2 to sea water, and while I managed to get it working again, the units of battery life are now days instead of weeks.
I have my old #PebbleTimeSteel around, which still works. But: You need an app to set the time. Thus, I embarked on a mission to bring #RockWork to #UbuntuTouch 20.04, found an attempt by someone else and did some more renaming ... it builds and launches, but rockworkd does not get started yet
#banglejs2 #pebbletimesteel #rockwork #ubuntutouch
βπ For those who heard me cry after successfully fix my watch because I lost its charging cable:
I finally found the charging cable for my #PebbleTimeSteel and it is currently charging, Yay \o/
π What is more #nostalgia for you :
β β The #pebble charging animation ?
β π±The old #UbuntuTouch phone ads music in the background :D ?
#pebbletimesteel #nostalgia #pebble #ubuntutouch #ubuntu #smartwatch #ubports
Final steps:
Boot the watch, if it switch on, close the case, and check if the software does it stuff :)
And yes !!
I had to reinstall the watch firmware from a #rebble app from a friend's phone on android, but I could connect to my #UbuntuTouch phone running rockwork (see https://open-store.io/app/rockwork.mzanetti ).
My #PebbleTimeSteel just works fine, I just have to re-install some watchfaces and apps then tadaa !
#rebble #ubuntutouch #pebbletimesteel #pebble #pebbletime
And here we go !
Switched to the new battery. I had to remove the protection circuit since there were no space anyway into the case to make it fit, so i just did just like in the previous article.
See you next post to see if it boot :D
#pebble #pebbletime #pebbletimesteel #smartwatch #montre
Anyone with #electronic knowledge to hint me please ?
I received a new #battery , should i do like in the article (remove any battery protection circuit), keep to old one, or keep the new one ?
I'm not sure the old one protect the watch, or if it is specific for the battery? understanding this might help me choosing, but maybe the article is right and nothing is needed?
#electronic #battery #pebble #pebbletime #pebbletimesteel #smartwatch
Flashback to when I first got my Pebble Time Steel smartwatch. It was (still is) a beauty.
(Running Gucci-inspired "Poochie" watchface.
Appstore: https://apps.rebble.io/en_US/application/548911f55db45ef203000053
Source: https://github.com/ygalanter/poochie)
#flashbackfriday #Pebble #pebbletimesteel #smartwatch