User cannot find a job in his list.
Get him to search for it.
Cannot find it.
Do the things that will result in the job redownloading to his computer.
Still cannot find it.
Log in to his computer, do search, claim is sitting there...
iPadOS 17 has kinda borked emoji input from Bluetooth keyboards. Function-E? Ok, I guess. But then it should, you know, actually ENTER the emoji you tap on, shouldn’t it?
Probably a #pebkac issue or something I’ll get used to.
Me: (you’ll just have to imagine a facepalm emoji here cause I can’t currently insert one)
#developerbeta3 #ipados #apple #pebkac
Ich betreue privat ein paar Webprojekte. Musste bei einem wegen ein paar Nutzerwechseln #Passwort ändern. Per SMS Passwort zum kopieren gesendet: 77a@5L§/QM7Rz[um
Nutzer: Holger das geht nicht!
H: Kann dein Programm Sonderzeichen?
N: Ja!
H: Sicher?
N: Ja, hier das Passwort das ich nutze (und mehr): 77a@5L_/QM7Rz[um
H: Ok, 😭🤦🏼♂️
Und wieder war es ein #PEBKAC Problem.
En gros, il s'agit d'une URL malencontreusement traduite du fait que j'utilise le site en français. Forcément, ça marche beaucoup moins bien. #PEBKAC
En gros, il s'agit d'une URL malencontreusement traduite pendant une redirection du fait que j'utilise le site en français. Forcément, ça marche beaucoup moins bien. #PEBKAC
@mcc “We’re going to take over because you need us to provide you the experience you SHOULD have and if you can’t have that experience, it’s OBVIOUSLY user error…”
Yeah, I had that today too thanks to Microsoft and AMD.
Eine Frage stellt sich mir noch:
Warum muss man 600 Stimmzettel überhaupt mit Excel auszählen.
Kann in der SPÖ niemand bis 600 zählen?
#spo #wahldebakel #excel #pebkac
Fest steht, wer die Excel-Tabelle für die Auszählung erstellt hat, hat nicht mit dem DAU gerechnet.
DAU=Dümmster anzunehmender User
#spo #wahldebakel #excel #pebkac
Thinking I have a persistant server crash on my primary k8s node. I just knocked the damn power cable out. #pebkac
Question for the *official* #Fedora peeps hereabouts.
From your perspective, based on whatever your various feedback mechanisms are, has F38 been a "successful" rollout?
My tiny data points are certainly **Yes**, for my own use-case, fwiw.
-F38 KDE Lappy is going gangbusters [albeit, to be fair, it was ditto also in F37, once i stopped clobbering #Pipewire with my #PEBKAC incompetence 🤦♀️ ].
- my F38 Cinnamon, KDE & KInoite VMs remain happy little campers.
Fixed my 3D printer issue. Had a problem with adhesion and checked everything... except for Z offset 🤦♂️ I have learned from my foolishness. First benchy with new filament in progress!
#3dprinting #troubleshooting #pebkac #3dprinter #sovol
I was frustrated at my Epson printer giving me errors about how the paper mismatched my settings. I was at my wits end, until I pulled out a piece of paper and held a ruler up to it.
At which point I realized I had loaded the printer with A4 but told it that it was 8.5 X 11.
It's nice hearing the voice behind the toots! I still need to get myself sorted for daily tasks but fear the problem exists between keyboard and chair (#Pebkac)
@sebsauvage @stupeflo D'ailleurs truc marrant à ce propos : un jour, je branche l'imprimante. Je me mets à fouiller les tréfonds des repositories. J'installe driver sur driver, rien ne marche. Je désinstalle tout, et je comprends enfin - tout était DÉJÀ plug'n'play. Sous #GNU/Linux.
Bref : #pebkac
It's amusing to me that *every* network engineer I talk to knows exactly what I mean when I refer to a "Layer 8 issue." 🤣
#tech #networking #osimodel #pebkac