You are in the midst of completing your Master's thesis or working on your PhD? You are curious about #PechaKucha? You would like to present your social science #research on #EasternEurope, #CentralAsia or the South #Caucasus? Then, this call is for you:
#pechakucha #research #easterneurope #centralasia #caucasus
Hat jemand Erfahrung mit Pecha Kucha? Ein Pecha Kucha Vortrag besteht aus 20 Bildern á 20 Sekunden, d.h. der Vortrag dauert maximal 6:40 Minuten.
Gibt es #PechaKucha irgendwo im Bergischen Land? Wär doch vielleicht etwas für die Nachbarschaftsetage im #BOBcampus #Wuppertal!
#wuppertal #bobcampus #pechakucha
RT @sarsch79
So incredibly blessed to have such great relationships w/colleagues across all spectrums of MCS. #ItTakesAVillage #LVADcandidacy GREAT co-moderators and excellent speakers! Great work on the #pechakucha format this year! @ISHLT #ishlt2023 @melissacousino @VADCoordinator
#ittakesavillage #lvadcandidacy #pechakucha #ishlt2023
"Wo geht man hin, um was Cooles zu machen? #NFDI4Culture" - @rnsrk zeigt genauso coole, ziemlich nach #KI riechende Folien bei den #PechaKucha-Impulsen des #4CultureCommunityPlenary ^kb
#nfdi4culture #ki #pechakucha #4culturecommunityplenary
Have you heard of #PechaKucha #presentation meetings? Wikipedia: "a #storytelling format in which a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each," from the #Japanese word for chatter. Notice also the #narrative #genre of the following book.
NEW PechaKucha Presentation: A Passion for Japan: A Collection of Personal Narratives (a slide and brief description for each chapter, by the editor) at
Search "A Passion for Japan" to order the #book on Amazon.
My chapter is a #research #memoir but it also tells the #story of my life in relation to #Japan. "Discovering Japanese Fusion of #Religions on the #Pilgrimage Island of #Shikoku is free at research repositories or
#pechakucha #presentation #storytelling #japanese #narrative #genre #book #Research #memoir #story #japan #religions #pilgrimage #Shikoku #religion #buddhism #syncretism
I just submitted my application to present at PechaKucha Night Santa Fe Vol. 17: "Wilderness"
Wish me luck! And maybe I'll see you there.
#Art #Artist #SantaFe #NewMexico #PechaKucha #Presentation #Creative #CreativeSantaFe
#creativesantafe #creative #presentation #pechakucha #newmexico #santafe #artist #art
Heute habe ich von einer Kollegin eine MIR bis dahin unbekannte Präsentationsmethode gelernt:
Dabei suchen die Lernenden zu einem Thema 20 Bilder aus, über die sie jeweils genau 20 Sekunden sprechen.
Bei diesem Format werden also z.B. die üblichen mit Text überladenen PPP-Folien vermieden. Das Ganze nennt sich Pecha Kucha und Infos finden sich z.B. hier:
(von 2016, also nicht ganz neu😎🤷♂️)
Sie berichtet Gutes.
➡wird ausprobiert:)
RT @adriane_langela
@reikegloeckner In der neuen Ausgabe FU/E “Alternative Prüfungsformate” des @friedrichverlag findest du Literatur von @phhdbritcs und mir zur Bewertung von #Pechakucha im Fach Englisch.
Viel Erfolg und berichte gerne!
#PechaKucha posts and videos roundup #eventprofs #assnchat
#eventprofs #assnchat #pechakucha
#PechaKucha posts and videos roundup #eventprofs #assnchat
#eventprofs #assnchat #pechakucha
kennen jullie #PechaKucha #edutooters 20x20 en je presentatie in 400 seconden. Perfect voor presenteren in de klas.
Politiskt Pecha Kucha í Norðurlandahúsinum - tann sum leggur framm fær 20 ferðir 20 sekund at leggja sín boðskap. Genialt og avbjóðandi format!
#pechakucha #lv2022
Tips for organizing #PechaKucha sessions #eventprofs #assnchat
#eventprofs #assnchat #pechakucha
There are lots of Mastodon discussions about quality of followers vs quantity. If you indulge Robin Dunbar’s theory of cognitive limits on social relationships, you’ll surely favor quality over quantity.
“Dunbar’s Number,” as it’s known, is 150, which is ~0.0000019% of all humans on the planet. I mentioned it in my #PechaKucha talk a few years ago (slide attached) and think about it all the time.
#psychology #cognition #followers #Mastodon #anthropology #pechakucha
Follow TubeLoop on Pechakucha
TubeLoop is a free online website tool that lets you make YouTube repeat videos and play them indefinitely. With TubeLoop, you can create an endless loop of favorite YouTube video.
#tubeloop #youtuberepeat #youtubeloop #pechakucha
#tubeloop #youtuberepeat #youtubeloop #pechakucha
Follow TubeLoop on Pechakucha
TubeLoop is a free online website tool that lets you make YouTube repeat videos and play them indefinitely. With TubeLoop, you can create an endless loop of favorite YouTube video.
#tubeloop #youtuberepeat #youtubeloop #pechakucha
#tubeloop #youtuberepeat #youtubeloop #pechakucha
RT @batier
La citation de @CStracka au #pechakucha #ludovia19 :
« Les #Erun c’est mieux que Google et pour moins cher !!!! »
At 4pm EDT today starts the #PechaKucha in the #NYC office. I'll present this instance and hope some #thoughtworkers will join because of this. I count on you to welcome them here ;)
#pechakucha #nyc #thoughtworkers
Hey. I've applied to talk about #tootworks (this instance) during next Friday #NYC office #PechaKucha. Any suggestions or things I should not miss? What angle should I take? #AskMastodon
#TootWorks #nyc #pechakucha #askmastodon