FDA finally nabs alleged quack who claimed silver vibrations cure COVID - Enlarge / Gordon Pedersen seen holding one of his silver-based products... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961394 #sovereigncitizen #covid-19 #fugitive #pedersen #health #doctor #silver #fraud #quack #fda
#fda #quack #fraud #silver #doctor #health #pedersen #fugitive #covid #sovereigncitizen
#MogensPedersen 1583 -- 1623
'Deus misereatur nostri'
('Praetum Spirituale', 1620)
#musik #music #musique #musica #classicalmusic
#renaissancemusic #Pedersen
#pedersen #renaissancemusic #classicalmusic #musica #musique #music #musik #aarhusbaroquechoir #mogenspedersen
🇵🇱 To była ciekawa inauguracja sezonu żużlowego. W #TOR było blisko sensacji, bo #GOR miał realną szansę. Mecz w #GRU to popis #Pedersen, a #CZE spodziewałem się mocniejszej. W #LES świetny mecz i szkoda #KRO, bo zasłużyli ma chociaż remis.
#tor #gor #gru #pedersen #cze #les #kro
🇬🇧 It was an interesting inauguration of the #speedway season. In #TOR it was close to a sensation, because #GOR had a real chance. The match in #GRU was a show by #Pedersen, and I expected #CZE to be stronger. In #LES a great match and a shame about Krosno, because they deserved at least a draw.
#speedway #tor #gor #gru #pedersen #cze #les
Selten hat mich #Tanztheater so beeindruckt, noch nie so gebannt. Vor allem Frank Fannar #Pedersen hat mich mit seinem „Macbeth“ in den Sitz getackert. Wow! #ulm #theaterulm https://www.theater-ulm.de/spielplan/stuecke/shakespeare-2-2-macbeth-othello
#Tanztheater #pedersen #ulm #theaterulm