Shared #pedestrian #cyclist and #car zone in Brunswick, #Melbourne, Australia.
Pedestrians have right of way in this shared zone. Vehicles are visually reminded to slow down by traffic calming features: speed humps, 20km/hr speed limit signage, road pattern paint & visually striking road edge features such as community vegetable planter boxes.
#cars #pedestrianfriedly #pedestrians #Community #walkablecities #LiveableCities #cycling
#pedestrian #cyclist #car #melbourne #cars #pedestrianfriedly #pedestrians #Community #walkablecities #LiveableCities #cycling
A staggeringly low 10% of sidewalks in #austin are ADA-compliant.
#austintx #WalkBikeBus #pedestrianfriedly #pedestrian #equity
#austin #austintx #walkbikebus #pedestrianfriedly #pedestrian #equity
@zak Another interesting question is, which streets should be bicycle-free as well. You do not want cyclists to make large detours, but as a pedestrian you do also not want to look over your shoulder to see if it is safe to cross the street to the opposite shop without being run over by a fast cyclist.
#pedestrianfriedly #bicyclenetwork