@Island_Martha The Aupa Pipeno is a weird little #wine that could be called an #orangewine. They call it a #whitewine, it’s #PedroXimenez & #Pais 80/20 blend, with 4 days skin contact and the using only free run juice. It’s aged for 5 months in concrete.
It definitely has the almond and herbal character that you might want to find in a #skincontactwine but it also carries nice peach and stone fruit vibes. It’s everyday wine. Porch pounder. Toss it in the cooler wine.
#wine #orangewine #whitewine #pedroximenez #pais #skincontactwine
Girl from Jerez cocktail - Jim Meehan, Spring 2009
#Cocktail #Cachaca #RhumAgricoleVSOP #PedroXimenez #AllspiceDram #LimeJuice #GroundNutmegGarnish
#groundnutmeggarnish #limejuice #allspicedram #pedroximenez #rhumagricolevsop #cachaca #cocktail
#Williams&Humbert, una de las bodegas con más historia y tradición en la elaboración de vino y brandy de #Jerez, participa en un innovador proyecto iniciado en mayo de 2022 con el objetivo de fomentar el cultivo ecológico de la variedad #PedroXiménez en el Marco de... http://www.periodistadigital.com/elbuenvivir/20230220/williams-humbert-bodega-pionera-en-el-cultivo-ecologico-de-la-variedad-pedro-ximenez-en-el-marco-de-jerez-689404852124/ #vinos #ecologia
#williams #jerez #pedroximenez #vinos #ecologia