April 21st @ 5pm MDT | Check out Dr. Sabena Hussain of @CincyChildrens who's poster highlights outcomes for children with mechanical valves at the time of #VAD implant at #ISHLT2023. Learn more: http://bit.ly/3nnFuxR. @ISHLT #PedsHF #PedsVAD #CardioTwitter #Collaboration
#vad #ishlt2023 #pedshf #pedsvad #cardiotwitter #collaboration
April 20th @ 4:27p MDT| Dr. Deip Nandi of @nationwidekids will address the current state of pediatric heart failure medication at #ISHLT2023. Don't miss it! More information here: http://bit.ly/3FXfFLs @ISHLT @PedsHeartMD #PedsHF #Collaboration
#ishlt2023 #pedshf #collaboration
April 20th @ 4:21p MDT | Add @josephspinner of @TexasChildrens to your #ISHLT2023 plans! He'll be sharing the need for a Pediatric Heart Failure Registry. Details here: http://bit.ly/3FVtM3F. @ISHLT #PedsHF #CardioTwitter #Collaboration
#ishlt2023 #pedshf #cardiotwitter #collaboration
Bivairudin is associated with lower mortality AND is cost effective when compared to heparin in pediaatric VAD management. Congrats @jen_conway1! @ACTION4HF @phts #LVAD #pedshf https://www.jhltonline.org/article/S1053-2498(22)02172-6/fulltext
Focused on neurodevelopment in #PedsHF patients, these OPS were created in partnership w/ an ACTION work group, @CardiacNeuro & @CardiacUnited. Info by age group for even more specific & actionable understanding: https://hubs.la/Q01Gkm1_0 @TransplantFamilies @CCFheartkids
Can VADs be used in muscular dystrophy patients? @ACTION4HF’s newest work implies so, although more work on defining suitable patients and measuring quality of life are needed next steps. #PedsHF @PedsHeartMD
🔗: https://www.jhltonline.org/article/S1053-2498(22)02117-9/fulltext
RT @CCFheartkids
Proud to partner with @HFSA for #HFWeek2023. Learn more about heart failure at our webinar this Wednesday with Dr. Bansal (@nehban) from @MountSinaiPeds REGISTER HERE: http://bit.ly/3HaRLvB
#PedsHF @MountSinaiCHC
This #HeartMonth, we'll be shining a light on some of the key steps ACTION's taking to improve outcomes for patients. Stay tuned as we share and celebrate the progress we're making together! #PedsHF #HeartHealth
#heartmonth #pedshf #hearthealth
Basecamp is where the action is! ACTION clinicians are actively connecting with each other, and engagement continues to be strong. Head over and check it out! #PedsHF
We’ve got a great video to help you rewind your mind to our August 4th VAD In Real Life HeartMate 3™️ event! Part 2 of the series is about anticoagulation, brought to you by @RosenthalDN of @standfordchild. Login to https://hubs.la/Q01x8RmM0 to watch. #PedsHF #CardioTwitter #VAD
Our newest Research Fellow, Carlos Bonilla Ramirez, is headed for a career in pediatric heart surgery. Let’s welcome him and show him what he came to ACTION for: the power of innovation and collaboration to improve patient outcomes! #PedsHF
Catch the video recap of @EdwardOLeary8 & Dr. Taylor S. Howard speaking on current uses of ICDs & CRT in #PedsHF. Intro by @josephspinner, moderated by @RosenthalDN & Dr. Anne Dubin. Log in to MyActionEducation to view. #FunctionNotFailure #CardioTwitter
#pedshf #functionnotfailure #cardiotwitter
We are honored to announce that ACTION received generous funding from @ParentProjectMD to expand our Muscular Dystrophy initiative! Read more about our plan to optimize care and improve outcomes for Muscular Dystrophy patients here: https://bit.ly/3ngzsf2 #PedsHF
Dec 8th | 4-5p EST | Register now for our Virtual Learning Session co-presented w/ @PHTSociety! Moderators @AnnaJoongMD & Dr. Melanie Everitt. Presenters @davebaran, @dhorstmanshof & @RyanDaviesMD. Join us: http://bit.ly/3TFVlSP #CardioTwitter #PedsHF #LearningTogether
#cardiotwitter #pedshf #learningtogether
ACTION clinical members - check out the 6th & final part of our August IRL event by @clairebocchini & @BarbaraAnnElia1 of @TexasChildrens! My ACTION Education > Providers > Berlin Heart EXCOR® > 1. Training > Extra Credit tab. @angie_lorts @RosenthalDN #PedsHF #InfectiousDisease
@DavePengMD is describing how @ACTION4HF is collecting #AppleWatch data to better understand #pedshf and how #wearable data can help us manage our patients.