What is a peer-reviewed article?
A peer-reviewed article is a scholarly journal that has been independently assessed by referees for validity, significance, and originality.
“It is becoming increasingly difficult to find reviewers”—myths and facts about #peerreview
#PeerReview #peerreviewing #publishing #research
Le #peerreviewing en péril ?
1 millions d'articles en 1990, 3 millions en 2016 = 15 000 ans d'ETP de peer-review
Baisse du taux d'acceptation
Pré carré de vieux mâles blancs
Activité pas prise en compte par les organismes de recherche dans l'évaluation
Prolific #autism researcher has two dozen papers retracted
👉 An autism researcher lost two dozen papers to #retraction 8 years after the publisher was made aware of potentially troubling editorial practices. #Elsevier cited undisclosed conflicts of interest, duplicated methodology and a “compromised” #peerreview process as reasons for the #retractions.
#peerreviewing #research #science #ethics #Publishing #selfcitation #metrics
#autism #retraction #elsevier #PeerReview #retractions #peerreviewing #research #science #ethics #publishing #selfcitation #metrics
[#Primo] Making the peer reviewed icon more accurate in #CentralDiscoveryIndex data
#primo #centraldiscoveryindex #discovery #cdi #content #peerreviewed #peerreviewing
How to Review #Conference Proposals (and Why You Should Bother)
👉 This essay provides advice for effectively #reviewing conference proposals, including how to write comments that are helpful to proposal authors, and issues to consider when assigning proposal ratings and recommending acceptance or rejection.
#conference #Reviewing #peerreviewing #PeerReview
New Blog Post Alert!
How do you work with Pull Requests in #AzureDevOps? I have written down how I use them in the development process of our #datawarehouse development using #DatabasseProjects. How Pull Requests allowed me to introduce #PeerReviewing into the development process.
Find out how to get started with #PullRequests in #AzureDevOps!
#azuredevops #datawarehouse #databasseprojects #peerreviewing #pullrequests
The rise and fall of #peerreview - Why the greatest scientific experiment in history failed, and why that's a great thing
by Adam Mastroianni https://experimentalhistory.substack.com/p/the-rise-and-fall-of-peer-review
#peerreviewing #science #research #publishing #journals
via @cpion
cc @Bernardpo
#PeerReview #peerreviewing #science #research #publishing #journals
"Peer Community In", un système alternatif de #publication scientifique
#publication #pci #PeerReview #peerreviewing #scholcomm
#IEEE Publisher retracts 400 papers at once for violations of ‘peer-review process policies’ – #Retraction Watch https://retractionwatch.com/2022/12/06/publisher-retracts-400-papers-at-once-for-violations-of-peer-review-process-policies/ #ethics #publishing #research #peerreviewing
#ieee #retraction #ethics #publishing #research #peerreviewing
Je me demande si HAL intègrera un jour un service de revue par les pairs #peerreviewing comme d'autres archives le font ? aRxiv, Peer Community In...
Quand les actes de colloque d'une sté FR sont diffusés directement sur HAL... https://cfa2022.sciencesconf.org/
Sur les plateformes @medrxiv et @medrxiv 7.3% des #preprints ont été commentés
Si le contenu de ce #peerreviewing est dans les standards des éditeurs, c'est encore peu
New publication co-written with Thomas Guillemaud and Denis Bourguet in The Conversation-FR :
➡️ « Peer Community In », un système alternatif de publication scientifique
@TheConversationUS @PeerCommunityIn
#openscience #peerreviewing #pci #inrae #upvd
#upvd #inrae #pci #peerreviewing #openscience