@awaspnest Haha, glad you like it. (And thank you for the kind words.) :)
There’s more to do but the goal is to use it to enable people (including me) to build peer-to-peer Small Web sites.
Here’s a very simple example of what I mean:
:kitten: 💕
#kitten #SmallWeb #peertopeer #e2ee #web #personalweb
Sharing is Caring 📦👏🏼 an open access (soon: open source) #Airtable base to copy & enjoy with neighbours, company, or municipality #peertopeer #sharing #wetzikon #hackathon https://airtable.com/appinJPyfuS2iTMvN/shrER8WOk5a8kcgFo/tblZsLw0xl7XV0mhY/viws4qFVLvgZ0Vl9g
#airtable #peertopeer #sharing #wetzikon #hackathon
Holochain is sponsoring the action at Open Source Summit Europe 2023, in Bilbao! https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-europe/
Catch us at the Linux Foundation's event where we'll be attending OpenJS and OpenCloud. Swing by our booth in the expo hall for demos of fully P2P collaboration tools using Holochain. 👋
➡️ View the full schedule: https://hubs.la/Q020qjrL0
If you're heading to the event, we'd love to connect with you!
#Holochain #OSSummit #OpenSource #Decentralized #PeerToPeer #FOSS
#holochain #ossummit #opensource #decentralized #peertopeer #foss
Unsere Räume sind wegen eines Wasserschadens leider immer noch nicht offen. Zum Glück können wir immer dienstags von 15:00 h bis 17:00 h eine offene Sprechstunde im Onkel Emma anbieten 🥰
Offene Sprechstunde bedeutet: #anonym #ohneTermin #Fragen stellen #einfachMalReden #Beratungstermin holen #Informationen #NetzwerUndKontakt #OffenFürAlle
Du kannst mit @nachtsonnen in lockerer Atmosphäre zum Beispiel über #Geschlechtsidentität #Pronomen #trans #Outing #Transistion sprechen. Das Angebot richtet sich nicht nur an Trans*Personen, sondern auch an Angehörige, Unsichere, Neugierige ...
Das Onkel Emma ist nahe der Braunschweiger Innenstadt in der Echternstraße 9. Komm einfach vorbei!
Vielen Lieben Dank an den VSE e.V. und das Onkel Emma ❤️
#Trans #Beratung #RegionBraunschweig #Braunschweig #Sprechstunde #QueeresZentrum #PeerToPeer
#peertopeer #queereszentrum #sprechstunde #braunschweig #regionbraunschweig #beratung #transistion #outing #trans #pronomen #geschlechtsidentitat #offenfuralle #netzwerundkontakt #informationen #beratungstermin #einfachmalreden #fragen #ohneTermin #anonym
“Thank you for your interest in our medical school.
However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you a position in our program.
The Admissions Committee felt that your stated rationale for entering the field (‘I want to boost Cigna’s bottom line by helping them deny patients care’) was not in line with our school’s mission.
We wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors.”
Again, if we could simply reimburse healthcare providers for, y’know, providing care, and cut out the costs of #insurance, we’d be able to make this work so much better.
#ManagedCareSpecialists #Denials #PriorAuth #PeerToPeer #ExecutivePay All the infrastructure costs So Much Money.
#insurance #managedcarespecialists #denials #priorauth #peertopeer #executivepay
Download Torrents Anonymously On The I2P Network
#I2P #anonymity #anonymous #Linux #torrent #FOSS #p2p #peertopeer #I2PSnark #filesharing
#i2p #anonymity #anonymous #linux #torrent #foss #p2p #peertopeer #i2psnark #filesharing
📢New in MEAP📢
Goodbye infrastructure management!
Start creating modern peer-to-peer web apps that protect privacy and give your users control over their data: http://mng.bz/PzD2
#Web3 #blockchain #ethereum #crypto #cryptography #dapps #peertopeer #webapp #webdev
#web3 #blockchain #ethereum #Crypto #cryptography #dapps #peertopeer #webapp #webdev
@panos @luthien1126 Yes, there is something wrong with its design. It adopts the tech stack of Big Tech along with its scaling characteristics. It has inherent economies of scale. And yes, it is inevitable.
But it’s also a stopgap and that has immediate, real-world value today. Especially for those of us working on alternatives that don’t have that design flaw like the Small Web (instances of one that connect to one another directly).
Crazy idea: make #HealthInsurance not-for-profit, stop paying pharmaceutical managers such astronomical salaries; then #patients can get the life-saving care they need, and pharmaceutical companies can make money through volume.
Oh, and cost of delivering healthcare goes down when offices don’t need to have 15-100 extra employees to beg insurance to approve treatment. And #doctors don’t need to take time away from patients for #PeerToPeer.
Crazy, right?
#healthinsurance #patients #doctors #peertopeer
If you're interested in learning more about our vision for the future of distributed computing, check us out at https://www.holochain.org/ and https://blog.holochain.org/tag/discover-holochain/.
Let's explore the possibilities of decentralized, open-source tech together! ⛵
#web3 #foss #opensource #p2p #peertopeer
👋 Hello fediverse! We're glad to be here. #introduction #newhere
Holochain is an #opensource framework for building distributed peer-to-peer apps. We are excited to join this vibrant community and connect with all of you who are passionate about #decentralized #peertopeer #opensource tech on the Fediverse.
Let us say a little more about who is behind this account 🧵
#introduction #newhere #opensource #decentralized #peertopeer
I went to medical school to treat cancer, blast kidney stones, and help patients enjoy their sex lives.
You went to medical school to help insurance companies deny patients life-saving care.
We are not the same.
“Peer to peer“ my ass.
#priorauthorization #peertopeer
ToffeeShare: condivisione rapida e sicura di file P2P
#ToffeeShare #file #sharing #cloud #condivisione #P2P #peertopeer #torrent #sicurezza
#toffeeshare #file #sharing #cloud #condivisione #p2p #peertopeer #torrent #sicurezza
https://www.lemonde.fr/blog/binaire/2023/02/24/alvearium-vers-un-cloud-souverain-partage-respectueux-des-donnees-de-ses-utilisateurs/ Une autre vision du cloud #peertopeer
Am Wochenende vom 10.-12. März trafen sich die Peerleaders aus dem 12. Jahrgang zum 2. Seminarwochenende in der Jugendherberge Bad Lausick. 🏡
🙋🙋♂️👭Die insgesamt 24 jungen Peerleaders aus der 30. Oberschule Dresden, 56. Oberschule Dresden, Oberschule Weixdorf und Oberschule Mockrehna setzten sich intensiv mit ihrer eigenen Identiät auseinander.
Die Vorfreude auf das nächste Treffen im Sommer ist bereits sehr groß!😊
#weiterbildung #peertopeer #weiterbildung #jugendliche #lernen #demokratie
#weiterbildung #peertopeer #jugendliche #lernen #demokratie
What a great question to come back with. I was not expecting you to jump into relating it to open-source peer to peer software.
Your question:
'What implications do you think there would be for open-source peer to peer software?'
Here goes:
It is not so much a 'massive burden' for developers to include this functionality. These types of concepts have already been included regarding scanning locally for viruses, malware, and more. However, these principles are there to protect you as the user, and also protect your data, not to scan your images without your consent and no oversight boards.
An important point before continuing is, Apple already attempted to implement it before this policy had even become any law (still has not). There was a major backlash but remember, Apple is all about advertising their services as 'privacy focused'. Yet, they have already developed the functionality and tried to implement this 'before' it has even passed into UK law. The platforms already have this functionaility but the main concern is how this affects other areas (as you mentioned, peer to peer).
The UK government's proposed bill to scan photos on devices and check them against a centralised database of banned images will have significant implications for privacy and encryption. If this bill passes, it could potentially create a 'backdoor' that would circumvent encryption, allowing the government to access private data and images without proper authorisation and oversight, as well as checking with a centralised database controlled and vetted by who?
As mentioned in this thread, who gets to choose what is accepted or is not accepted? And how will these filters play out and be changed/updated in the future without proper oversight and the requirements of courts and judges to be scanning private data directly on devices?
More specific to your question asked: As for open-source peer-to-peer software, the implications are not entirely clear. However, it is possible that this bill could undermine the security and privacy of open-source software by introducing vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors. This, in turn, could discourage the use of said software, as users would not want to compromise their privacy and security by using software that has been weakened by government mandates (would make privacy focused apps such as Signal completely useless in the UK).
However, let us look at it from a different perspective: open-source software often relies on decentralised networks that do not have a central point of control, making it difficult for governments to enforce such mandates. This means that open-source software may become more attractive to users who are concerned about privacy and security, particularly if they are seeking alternatives to proprietary software that could be affected by government mandates and forced privacy circumventions.
If the bill passes, in my opinion, this could lead to a revolt and shift towards more decentralised and private alternatives.
#privacy #security #cybersecurity #UK #OnlineSafetyBill #law #encryption #backdoor #government #opensource #decentralised #mandates #compromise #weakened #discourage #peertopeer #P2P #vulnerabilities #exploited #apple #mobiledevices #circumvent #righttoprivacy #privacyprotection
#privacy #security #cybersecurity #uk #onlinesafetybill #law #encryption #backdoor #government #opensource #decentralised #mandates #compromise #weakened #discourage #peertopeer #p2p #vulnerabilities #exploited #apple #mobiledevices #circumvent #righttoprivacy #privacyprotection
Most other (western) search engines depend on Google or MS one way or the other, so the results they provide aren't more interesting. Maybe I should look into the Asian ones, although I doubt my website would be indexed there 8-D
On a related note: has anyone looked into and/or used YaCy? Being distributed and #peerToPeer I would assume it might be of interest to #Fediverse users
Please enjoy this: Cassie Thornton’s plan for “the hologram,” or #Feminist #PeerToPeer #Health for a Post-Pandemic Future. (I mmmmmmay have preferred the title she gave an earlier version, “manual for feminist health militias,” but that’s just me.) Via good @olimould https://www.plutobooks.com/9780745343235/the-hologram/