Thanks to all the people who have worked to make Peertube and Fediverse better.

Shorter URLs will help Peertube and thus Fediverse.

To help those people who do and , why not start your own ?

See our pinned toot, or use the hashtag #)FediFlyer to learn more. Our flyers are CC-BY-SA, all we ask is if you change text (and if so, images too) that you don't attribute us.

Thanks again all involved in improving the Fediverse!

#fediversedev #peertubeDev #local #BountyProgram

Last updated 3 years ago

How long has been going through Cloudfront?

We're quite certain that we checked it a year or so ago and it was not doing this — we would hate to have to boycott SoundCloud too but it seems we have no option.

Does , or some other service, scrape soundcloud on request?

Does do only-?

#soundcloud #amazon #archivedotorg #peertube #sound #music #peertubeDev #Cloudfront #deleteamazon

Last updated 3 years ago

Peertube is great but the URLs are too long.

Something like the below would be much, much better ():

For SEO ():

What do you think? Any improvements for v2 addresses?

#shortURL #canonical #peertube #peertubeDev

Last updated 4 years ago

Please don't tell me he won't fix and shorten URLS.

The '/video/' part almost completely redundant, but worse the 30 character pin you need to enter, like a awful Product Key or something.

Who want to think of entering a Product Key when trying to watch a video?

Maybe fork ?

#peertube #peertubeDev #peertubeUX

Last updated 4 years ago