mester · @mester
9 followers · 64 posts · Server

This is something that I think the still are in diapers and the fediverse also in some aspects this is because there aren't many apps for the social networks in the fediverse and the fediverse in general have a problem the example is the problem with the limited capacity for videos is that delete old videos to do space for new videos It doesn't like to people that uploads videos It has to ask about it has more difficult for people

#fediverseapps #peerturbe

Last updated 2 years ago

· @franko
47 followers · 1807 posts · Server

@VQuaschning @Manisch momentan geht es nicht anders, das ist mir klar. Ich wünsche mir jedoch, dass wir eine alternative gestützt durch die realisiert bekommen. Ich denke mit und dem und der einen oder anderen Uni sollte doch was gehen.

#zivilgesellschaft #peerturbe #örr

Last updated 2 years ago

dada · @dada
2966 followers · 29234 posts · Server

Hey lads,
The French "from France" FLOSS community is very aware of and what it offers as an incredible video hosting and video streaming solutions.

What about you, from anywhere you may be?


#peertube #peerturbe #streaming #flloss

Last updated 3 years ago

Asta McCarthy · @AstaMcCarthy
157 followers · 2190 posts · Server

@nextcloud 'and instead of adding Google's Youtube on top of that, @nextcloud uploaded all of its tips and tricks also to an and platform like '

#opensource #peer2peer #peerturbe

Last updated 3 years ago