“The issues are complicated, but the solution is fairly simple and obvious. We need to add actual, appropriate housing units at every point on the housing continuum, and municipal governments certainly have a role to play.”#peihousingcrisis #peipoli
ICYMI: A property rental company that boasted “record-breaking” revenue growth in 2022 intends to increase the rent of 500 P.E.I. tenants by as much as 20 per cent this July. #peihousingcrisis #peipoli https://t.co/6naDVvsfQz
Despite a legal change aimed at freezing most tenant rents in 2023, more than 300 tenants have received notice of rent increases this year following decisions by the province’s rental office. #peipoli #peihousingcrisis
The new law includes a transitional clause that states hearings or appeals that began under the previous act that were not completed will continue under the regulations set out under the old Rental of Residential Properties Act. #peipoli #peihousingcrisis
https://t.co/A4awrT94Kk https://t.co/nGjWoXEZaJ
Short-term rental regulation has begun in Charlottetown, but only some of the legislation came into effect as scheduled. #STRs #peihousingcrisis #peipoli
#strs #peihousingcrisis #peipoli
“Honestly, I was sick. Super sickened by it,” said one tenant. “Nobody can afford anything right now. People are struggling.” #peipoli #peihousingcrisis
An attempted eviction in Souris has ended in a victory for some tenants, but not everyone who fought D.P. Murphy Inc. came out on top. #peihousingcrisis #pei https://t.co/EMqEGqgOOj
With less than two weeks until new regulations around short-term rentals come into effect, the @ChtownPE is working to get the remaining pieces in place.
#STRs #Charlottetown #PEI #peihousingcrisis https://t.co/3OLfhukovQ
#strs #charlottetown #pei #peihousingcrisis
"Nobody blinks an eye when the capital budget comes down and there is a paving cost of half a billion dollars over five years. People are ok with that. But they seem to be not ok with the fact that we need to provide housing for people." #peihousingcrisis https://t.co/hI0dySIz2U
Cory Pater, a volunteer with P.E.I Fight for Affordable Housing, says IRAC's move to on-paper hearings for greater than allowable rental increases further removes the human element from important hearings, creating barriers for tenants. #peihousingcrisis https://t.co/2m9hnFdtmm
ICYMI: After years of complaints about unmaintained buildings, a lack of security and unsafe living conditions, residents at two of P.E.I.’s senior living complexes are fed up with the province’s lack of answers. #peihousingcrisis #peipoli https://t.co/Ml5W8Egkr5
Summerside’s growth projections show the city needs at least another 1,000 housing units in the next 15 years. Conversely, P.E.I. had just a 0.8 per cent rental vacancy rate in 2022. #peihousingcrisis #peipoli https://t.co/uJfmJThCpM https://t.co/bQUFb8EfqF
ICYMI: “As every municipality in Prince Edward Island knows, there’s a shortage of housing. Anytime there’s an investment in housing and infrastructure to our town, we are more than pleased,” said Kensington Mayor Rowan Caseley. #peihousingcrisis #peipoli https://t.co/RHLp7nAnVo
Shelters in Charlottetown are seeing constant use that has them at or near capacity most nights. #peihousingcrisis #peipoli https://t.co/i2ccC6tYQx
Summerside Mayor Dan Kutcher is moving ahead with his election pledge to create a housing task force within his first 100 days in office. #peihousingcrisis #peipoli
“We’ve heard from people that are new to the Island, often new students from racialized backgrounds, or female people, people that have issues securing housing through discrimination," said @RentingPEI project manager Morgan Sandiford. #peihousingcrisis https://t.co/nJHR6RsxE1 https://t.co/gfhEA0LZf3
A Souris resident says she and her neighbours are being evicted by landlord D.P. Murphy Inc. so the company can house Tim Hortons workers.
#peihousingcrisis #pei
“That general pressure people are under for housing is making people access the resources around them quite a bit more to keep the housing they do have,” said Morgan Sandiford, legal navigator with @RentingPEI.
@legalinfopei #pei #peihousingcrisis
After four years of dithering & inaction by the Conservative government of Premier Dennis King, we find ourselves with the lowest vacancy rates in Canada & university students being asked to give up their homes & meal plans to make way for the 2023 Canada Winter Games. #peipoli #peihousingcrisis https://youtu.be/czDDVq4Ai38
Fire and police services were seen removing propane tanks, heaters and a burnt barrel from the Charlottetown tent encampment on Jan. 17. #peihousingcrisis #peipoli https://t.co/Y87xLa6NFI https://t.co/nHsEr87I5L