A portrait of the sculptor Martins Correia (1910 – 1999)
oil, acrylic, collage on canvas, 2021
#Correia #MartinsCorreia #Art #Painting #Portrait #Portraitpainting #Portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #Portraitmalerei #sculptor #cubism #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne #artistsonmastodon #artists
#brigittedietz #correia #martinscorreia #art #painting #portrait #portraitpainting #portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #portraitmalerei #sculptor #cubism #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne #artists
portrait painting of Henri Matisse (1869 - 1954)
oil, acrylic, collage on canvas, 2019
#Matisse #HenriMatisse #Art #Painting #Portrait #Portraitpainting #Portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #Portraitmalerei #Fauvismus #fauvism #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne #fausvisme #artists #Vence #ChappelledeVence
#brigittedietz #matisse #henrimatisse #art #painting #portrait #portraitpainting #portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #portraitmalerei #fauvismus #fauvism #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne #fausvisme #artists #vence #chappelledevence
Picasso and his self-portrayal painting together...
oil, acrylic, collage on canvas, 2017
Part of my #Picasso_Portrait_Series (There are more to come over my time here)
#Picasso #PabloPicasso #Art #Painting #Portrait #Portraitpainting #Portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #Portraitmalerei #Kubismus #cubism #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne #artistsonmastodon #artists
#picasso_portrait_series #brigittedietz #picasso #pablopicasso #art #painting #portrait #portraitpainting #portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #portraitmalerei #kubismus #cubism #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne #artists
A portrait painting of the actress and stage director Katharina Thalbach (*1954)
,oil, acrylic, collage on canvas, 70cm X 100cm, 2019
#Thalbach #KatarinaThalbach #Art #Painting #Portrait #Portraitpainting #Portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #Portraitmalerei #stagedirector #actress #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne #artistsonmastodon #artists
#brigittedietz #thalbach #katarinathalbach #art #painting #portrait #portraitpainting #portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #portraitmalerei #stagedirector #actress #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne #artists
#parlafenetre Edward Hopper #peinturemoderne
#parlafenetre #peinturemoderne
A portrait painting of Papblo Picasso (I call it "Three Picassos")
Triptych: 70cm X 100cm
oil, acrylic, collage on canvas, 2017
Part of my #Picasso_Portrait_Series (There are more to come over my time here)
#Picasso #PabloPicasso #Art #Painting #Portrait #Portraitpainting #Portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #Portraitmalerei #Kubismus #cubism #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne #artistsonmastodon #artists
#picasso_portrait_series #brigittedietz #picasso #pablopicasso #art #painting #portrait #portraitpainting #portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #portraitmalerei #kubismus #cubism #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne #artists
A portrait painting of Papblo Picasso (I call it "Three Picassos")
Triptych: 70cm X 100cm
oil, acrylic, collage on canvas, 2017
Part of my #Picasso_Portrait_Series (There are more to come over my time here)
#Picasso #PabloPicasso #Art #Painting #Portrait #Portraitpainting #Portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #Portraitmalerei #Kubismus #cubism #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne #artistsonmastodon #artists
#picasso_portrait_series #brigittedietz #picasso #pablopicasso #art #painting #portrait #portraitpainting #portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #portraitmalerei #kubismus #cubism #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne #artists
A portrait of Louis Armstrong playing the trumpet with a boy
Triptych: 100cm X 70cm
oil, acrylic, collage on canvas, 2021
#Armstrong #LouisArmstrong #Art #Painting #Portrait #Portraitpainting #Portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #Portraitmalerei #Jazz #trumpet #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne
#brigittedietz #armstrong #louisarmstrong #art #painting #portrait #portraitpainting #portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #portraitmalerei #jazz #trumpet #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne
A portrait painting of Picasso on a folding screen
What do you think about this idea? You can put it inon the floor or hang it on the wall
Triptych: 150cm X 150cm
oil, acrylic, collage on canvas, 2022
Part of my #Picasso_Portrait_Series
#Picasso #PabloPicasso #Art #Painting #Portrait #Portraitpainting #Portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #Portraitmalerei #Kubismus #cubism #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne
#picasso_portrait_series #brigittedietz #picasso #pablopicasso #art #painting #portrait #portraitpainting #portraitartist #paintingoftheday #artcollector #artwork #artoftheday #portraitpainter #portraitmalerei #kubismus #cubism #artistsonmastodon #artist #peinturemoderne