2023 P.E.I. Pride events begin | CTV News https://is.gd/pdRR9p #PEI #Motorcycles #PEIQueerRide #PEIPride #2SLGBTQ #Charlottetown #peipoli @cdnpoli
#motorcycles #pei #peiqueerride #peipride #2slgbtq #charlottetown #peipoli
Education is a right. Make it free.
#publicEducation #AbolishTuition #CanPoli #BCPoli #ABPoli #SaskPoli #MBPoli #ONPoli #QCPoli #NBPoli #PEIPoli #NLPoli #nspoli https://chrisalemany.ca/2023/06/30/education-is-a-right-make-it-free/
#publiceducation #abolishtuition #canpoli #bcpoli #abpoli #saskpoli #mbpoli #onpoli #qcpoli #nbpoli #peipoli #nlpoli #nspoli
Education is a right. Make it free.
#publicEducation #AbolishTuition #CanPoli #BCPoli #ABPoli #SaskPoli #MBPoli #ONPoli #QCPoli #NBPoli #PEIPoli #NLPoli #NSPoli
#publiceducation #abolishtuition #canpoli #bcpoli #abpoli #saskpoli #mbpoli #onpoli #qcpoli #nbpoli #peipoli #nlpoli #nspoli
Internal emails obtained through Freedom of Information show that more than 1,700 referrals to medical specialists were “missed” due to glitches with the province’s issue-plagued electronic medical records system. #peipoli #peihealthcare
The Opposition Liberals took aim at two new ministers in Premier Dennis King’s government on May 18, quizzing them on matters related to poverty, food insecurity and homelessness. #peipoli
Harsher penalties may come in P.E.I. for people who cause fatal accidents or harm while sleep-deprived. #peipoli
"There are very real consequences when we fail to ensure adequate standards of health care for Islanders. It's quite literally a life or death matter," said Green Leader Peter-Bevan Baker. #longtermcare #peipoli #peihealthcare
#LongTermCare #peipoli #peihealthcare
News of the recent closure of the intensive care unit at Summerside’s Prince County Hospital consumed the first question period of the spring sitting of the P.E.I. legislature. #peipoli #peihealthcare
“The issues are complicated, but the solution is fairly simple and obvious. We need to add actual, appropriate housing units at every point on the housing continuum, and municipal governments certainly have a role to play.”#peihousingcrisis #peipoli
A Senate bill that would have done away with P.E.I.’s dual zone employment insurance system is unlikely to proceed further. #peipoli #canpoli
https://t.co/PWdN5Uw0px https://t.co/mWHZXR4HrA
Officials with Health P.E.I. are discussing options for keeping the emergency department open this summer at Kings County Memorial Hospital in Montague. #peihealthcare #peipoli
https://t.co/Y0Z4bjOh4o https://t.co/Tzs1JTWl63
More than 4,000 federal Liberal party members will converge in Ottawa this weekend for the party’s national convention. #peipoli #canpoli https://t.co/ipTPhcHMH0
ICYMI: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced the appointment of former P.E.I. auditor general Jane MacAdam to the Canadian Senate. #peipoli #canpoli
https://t.co/icdgyTLf5M https://t.co/aroMziFx5I
P.E.I.’s re-elected PC government is keeping quiet on an election promise to relocate the new overdose prevention site away from 33 Belmont St. in Charlottetown. #peipoli
The first sitting of Premier Dennis King’s re-elected government is set to begin May 12. #pei #peipoli
Jim Clements said a stroke he suffered last year left him with weakness on his left side and balance issues. He said it took five months after the initial visit to the QEH emergency room to get the diagnosis. #peipoli #peihealthcare
https://t.co/RVqAY6WqnA https://t.co/NESpIL1duF
Hal Perry was first elected to the P.E.I. legislative assembly in 2011 and was recently named interim leader of the Opposition Liberals. We wanted to know a little more about him, so we asked him to answer these 20 questions. Here’s what he said. #peipoli https://t.co/JGcRRxhy0e https://t.co/yQTzL4DYaO
School buses are not just transporting students in P.E.I. these days – they are also ready to provide emergency electricity to community buildings. #electricschoolbuses #peipoli https://t.co/vm0z3X9vCZ https://t.co/xPGfNm3Orv
“What you'll likely see here in the capital budget in the fall is some dollars allocated towards this renovation or expansion. I envision it to be an expansion but, again, this is still very much in the preliminary stages," said Jameson. #pei #peipoli
https://t.co/DEWaB61j16 https://t.co/rQrXax0eIy
Come out Thursday, 11 May and hear former PEI opposition leader Hon. #PeterBevanBaker speak at our 2023 AGM! #J2DW #AGM #Meetings #PEIGreens #peipoli #onpoli @onpoli @peigreencaucus
#j2dw #agm #meetings #peigreens #peipoli #onpoli #peterbevanbaker