@machias importing Wordpress to #pelicanssg was extremely painless for me. No issues at all for either the personal or business site.
Has anyone come across a Pelican SSG plug-in or a way to filter articles with Jinja2 that would allow me to filter out a single category from a template?
I suspect this is a solved problem, but I can’t come across it.
@kissane @darius If you don't "hate" wordpress check out LocalWP (https://localwp.com/) and Simply Static (https://simplystatic.com/). With that combination you can build the website locally and then create a static version to upload to the interwebs.
When I was going static to self-host it was where I fell into the rabbithole. I have since gone full Pelican SSG (https://getpelican.com/) #pelicanssg
Are there any #PelicanSSG users that post a lot of images around? I was using pelican-photos up until the last release where it broke, and haven't posted much since because of the errors.
There is an open issue on their repo, but would like a couple of options so I can start updating again.
So if you use a plugin for photo managment, making galleries, multiple sizes, etc. Let me know what you think of them.
Worse case I may have to start using #Flickr again and hotlink from there.
Are there any Pelican SSG users out there?
I'm trying to figure out a way to force posts dated in the future to be either hidden or draft.
Not important for my homepage, but I would like to batch write some business posts and have them drip out over time. I already have a daily task that updates the site, so everyday or so new posts should be made "public".
#pelicanssg #pelican #ssg #pythonssg #python
Rather than doing the tasks on my ordered list that I taped to my monitor last week, I decided to work on my #pelicanSSG theme and I'm pretty happy where I have it.
If you like what you see on both my homepage and work page (links in profile) then clone away -
There are currently two colour styles, and I want to figure out dark mode, but for now I need to pay some bills.
@kev I’d be very interested in that post. I gave up on Wordpress last year and converted both my business and personal site to #pelicanssg, but I’m starting to find it lacking for the business site.
Would love options. @g