The August Review is here! I talked about the various things that kept me busy this month - games, work - and some stuff I have coming up next month!
#BringBackBlogging #Blog #blogging #ttrpg #Palia #DaveTheDiver #games #PelikanHub #writing
#writing #pelikanhub #games #davethediver #palia #ttrpg #blogging #blog #bringbackblogging
I blogged about #PelikanHub. It was meant to be part of my August review but became long enough to merit its own post.
#fountainpen #blog #bringbackblogging #pelikanhub
The tracker shows that my package is "In Delay". This could mean that they've detected the sloshing of 15 bottles of ink inside and want some paperwork to assure that it's not dangerous. This has already happened to a number of people, and if I remember correctly, our previous Hubmaster had to deal with a similar instance. We're over a month to the event, so I'm not concerned. Yet.
Some hubmasters for #PelikanHub have already received the package for the event in September. Ours is already in Sepang, and I'm hoping that it wouldn't get stuck there for a month since it's courier and not normal mail. We've never had a problem with it in previous years, so fingers crossed.
I have a kickstarter thingy that never arrived through no fault of the creator. It simply disappeared when it arrived in Malaysia. This is why I always discourage people from mailing me things.
One participant did not get my email and I had to re-send to an alt email. I hope this is an isolated case.
Luckily, most of the #PelikanHub people are regulars AND are in our FB group, although we had at least one new person join after my email.
You have until May 15 to indicate interest for #PelikanHub 2023! They're doing registrations differently this year, so you have to literally sign up twice.
Our long-time Hub Master is passing the baton to me this year. While I'm not the massive #FountainPen nerd that most of them are, I can run an event. Should be fun!
@mwigforss I expect I'll have to experiment a little, but probably one of my dip pen and whatever ink available. #PelikanHub is this Friday, so this would be a great activity.
#fountainpen pout:
I will miss out on the #PelikanHub gifts as registration ended three months ago, and I was unaware until yesterday when the Hub would take place.
The event organizer wrote I could go to the restaurant anyway as it has space, but that's like being Charlie Brown at his class Valentine's Day event.
i regard my position as of one who likes fountain pens and owns nearly a dozen, and attends pen club when she can, yet fails to keep up with pen events.