Last night I “hubmastered” #PelikanHubs in Mandaluyong City. So much love love love ❤️ #fountainpens #penmeets
#pelikanhubs #fountainpens #penmeets
Nice, laid back gathering and I want the only person wearing a mask the whole time. Swatched a bunch of #ink I’m now coveting, collected several paper samples, and admired a bunch of #FountainPens. Totally forgot to take pictures! #PelikanHubs #PelikanHub2022 #PDX
#ink #fountainpens #pelikanhubs #pelikanhub2022 #pdx
#Pelikan Hubs Makati sent our Mandaluyong Hubmistress an iced logo cookie! Everyone also received a magazine and a notepad. A local inkmaker donated a 20ml bottle of bespoke ink for each attendee. #PelikanHubs #Philippines
#pelikan #pelikanhubs #philippines