Snapshots of life.
#life #lifeinpolaroids #lgbt
#lgbtq #queerlife #pemachodron #pemachodronquotes #massachusetts #posttheordinary
#life #lifeinpolaroids #lgbt #LGBTQ #queerlife #pemachodron #pemachodronquotes #massachusetts #posttheordinary
a practice at this time for our time. with open hearts and steady minds, may we engage this world and all that arises and falls away.
#Bravery #Nonaggression #NoFear #OpenHeart #SteadyMind #Path #Practice #EngagedBuddhism #JinpaLhaga #PemaChodron #PemaChodronQuotes
#bravery #nonaggression #nofear #openheart #steadymind #path #practice #engagedbuddhism #jinpalhaga #pemachodron #pemachodronquotes
do no harm.
non-harming is both path and practice, how we relate to and move within this world. and ultimately it is a way of embodying love.
#nonharming #DoNoHarm #FirstPrecept #vow #OpenHeart #path #practice #EngagedBuddhism #PemaChodronQuotes #JinpaLhaga #JMWart #calligraphy #Zen #Buddhism #BuddhistArt #ContemplativeArt #art
#nonharming #donoharm #firstprecept #vow #openheart #path #practice #engagedbuddhism #pemachodronquotes #jinpalhaga #jmwart #calligraphy #zen #buddhism #buddhistart #contemplativeart #art
may we be the beneficial change we seek, may we be the healers and builders needed when others in their delusion harm and destroy.
a sane world begins with us…
#sanity #SaneWorld #healers #builders #OpenHeart #path #practice #EngagedBuddhism #JinpaLhaga #PemaChodronQuotes
#sanity #saneworld #healers #builders #openheart #path #practice #engagedbuddhism #jinpalhaga #pemachodronquotes