A lengthy Slow Ways journey from Narbeth to Pembroke. Going via the hidden gem that is Cresswell Quay and Carew Castle. #Slowways #Narbeth #pembroke #CresswellQuay #CarewCastle #Cymru #Wales #cerdded #Llwybr #Landsker
#SlowWays #narbeth #pembroke #cresswellquay #CarewCastle #cymru #Wales #cerdded #llwybr #Landsker
Another Slow Ways adventure after a sudden change of plans. Linking up the surveyed routes by doing the short route to Pembroke to Pembroke Dock. That links up Tenby through to Milford Haven. Hopefully others can get involved to verify routes. #Pembrokeshire #HolidayWalk #Pembroke #PembrokeDock #MilfordHaven #Tenby #SlowWays #Wales #Cerdded #Cymru #DynbachyPysgod #Aberdaugleddau #Penfro #WestWales
#pembrokeshire #holidaywalk #pembroke #PembrokeDock #milfordhaven #tenby #SlowWays #Wales #cerdded #cymru #dynbachypysgod #aberdaugleddau #penfro #westwales
Not far from Henry VII's gaff
As we did in the past few days, we got up with the sun on this day, at 4:50. Just then, it started raining. We had barely cycled when Fiona couldn't shift gears anymore and when we checked the gear cable snapped. Oh no! We had a spare cable, but changing it on the narrow country road in the rain wasn't an option. So Fiona cycled the 20km to #pembroke with her single-speed #bike where we repaired the gear cable. Since the weather didn't change, we spend the time servicing our bikes.
Henry Tudor, a statue in Pembroke.
To find out whether there was a Tudor transformation in terms of law, check out my new book - ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’: https://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/legal-history/historical-introduction-english-law-genesis-common-law?format=PB
#henryvii #henrytudor #henrythe7th #pembroke #statue #law #history #legalhistory #legaleducation #tudor #tudors #thetudors
#thetudors #tudors #tudor #legaleducation #legalhistory #history #law #statue #pembroke #henrythe7th #henrytudor #henryvii
Street photo from Bermuda/Pembroke, Jun 2016. 32.29541778564, -64.79636383057.
Source mapillary.com, licensed under CC-BY-SA.
#bermuda #pembroke #streetphotography #photo #photography
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Irish Ferries ferry on Pembroke Dock ahead of service to Rosslare, Ireland.
#pembroke #irishferries #ferry
#pembroke #irishferries #ferry
While Rosslare and Cherbourg prosper, Welsh ports are suffering. This was predictable and predicted, but falsely dismissed as Project Fear #Caergybi #Holyhead #Abergwaun #Fishguard #Penfro #Pembroke #Brexit #Tories
#tories #brexit #pembroke #penfro #fishguard #abergwaun #Holyhead #Caergybi
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