And it's out! The #Anthology with the story I read at #Readercon and #Pemmicon/#Nasfic drops today. #WritersOfMastodon #AuthorsOfMastodon
#AmWritingFantasy #AmWriting #AmWritingFiction #WritingCommunity #WritersLife #WritingLife #Writers #Authors #Fiction #Anthologies #ShortStory #Bookstodon
#anthology #readercon #pemmicon #writersofmastodon #authorsofmastodon #amwritingfantasy #amwriting #amwritingfiction #writingcommunity #writerslife #writinglife #writers #authors #fiction #anthologies #shortstory #bookstodon
First post- #PemmiCon Covid test is negative. I have to say that my overall impression is that Canadians have entirely given up on masking. Virtually no masking in the airport (not that SFO was *that* much better). A lot of surprise or grumbling from folks at the con along the lines of "is anyone actually doing that any more?" (Despite the clear advance communications from the con.) And one person telling me Sunday evening, "You can take it off, now the con's over." *bewildered*
My reading at #PemmiCon #NASFIC went well! I had 7-8 folks (a pretty good turnout given the small size of the convention and the lateness in the con) and got the following toot from @klepsydra:
This #TerraIgnota #Utopian costume won a #PemmiCon #Masquerade hallway costume award ribbon.
More details on the costume here:
#terraignota #utopian #pemmicon #masquerade
Entered in the #PemmiCon #NASFiC #Masquerade competition, and won awards for "Judges' Choice in Novice Class" and "Best Use of Modern Tech"
So that's cool.
Last day at #PemmiCon / #NASFIC . I have a panel at 11:30 in Charleswood B on Writing Support. I assume I am on there to talk about critique groups, as I've been in many. Co-panelists: Mark Painter, Michael Haynes, Christine Taylor-Butler, and Nisi Shawl. Then I have a 1 PM Kaffeklatsche in the Fort Garry room (hotel 3rd floor). It's simultaneous with three others in the same space, including Robert Sawyer's. If anyone is still around this late in the con, please come by and hang out.
@ludibriumventis just seeing this (I'm terrible at socials when at con). You did the David v. Goliath panel, yes? We even had a panel together, I think.... I'm a kindred spirit. When younger, I was a competitive fencer....
#NASFiC2023 #PemmiCon
Friends. FRIENDS!
I want you all to take a look at This magnificent piece of art that won Best in Show in the 2023 #PemmiCon #masquerade
The Hut of Baba Yaga
#pemmicon #masquerade #cosplay #omg #babayaga
My panel today at #NASFIC / #PemmiCon is at 4 in York 4: The Next Pandemic, with Perrianne Lurie, Eli K.P. William, Snail Scott, and I. #AmWritingSciFi #AmWritingScienceFiction #WritersOfMastodon #AuthorsOfMastodon #Bookstodon #WritingCommunity #WritersLife #WritingLife #Fiction #Writers #AmWriting #AmWritingFiction #Writing
#NASFIC #pemmicon #amwritingscifi #amwritingsciencefiction #writersofmastodon #authorsofmastodon #bookstodon #writingcommunity #writerslife #writinglife #fiction #writers #amwriting #amwritingfiction #writing
Well, fuck.
My purse is lost and presumed stolen. I believe it fell off my shoulder while I was eating dinner outside with some friends in the Japanese garden behind the #PemmiCon hotel... or before we left - while we were sitting in the seats near the restaurant.
#NASFIC peeps, if you found a small black canvas zipper bag with a wallet, asthma inhaler, and epi pen... please let the front desk know.
According to Philip John Currie Professor of Palaeobiology, T. rex arms were short (and also their head bones were hollow) to aid balance and speed, allowing a smaller tail to counterbalance for a bipedal stance. Also the arms were small only by comparison — they could press over 700 lbs! #NASFiC #PemmiCon
Sitting in a #PemmiCon session about #dinosaurs and ...
I really want to write that crossover fic between Disney's #Atlantis and James Gurney's #Dinotopia now. The big sub crashes into the reefs; the expedition as dolphinbacks, Lee Crabbe as Lee Crabbe, parallels between Lee's lobster and the protective guardian, industrialization vs natural world.!%20We%20want%20more%20Dinosaurs!
#Dinotopia #atlantis #dinosaurs #pemmicon
This is wearable.
And therefore, I shall enter it in the #PemmiCon #Masquerade.
No idea at all about how I'm going to get it home; the assembled halves are larger than any other item in my luggage. Might have to snap it in half to get it to fly.