Redhotcyber · @redhotcyber
507 followers · 1261 posts · Server
@Diablito · @Diablto
414 followers · 550 posts · Server
@maduritos · @maduritos
429 followers · 401 posts · Server
· @jester
2 followers · 14 posts · Server

Simple Useful Method for and Security Researchers to learn new things
One simple way [] to learn new things is create Document for each thing you learn [step-by-step] with details and pictures with your “native language” etc. this will help you to rethink/rewrite those things which you want to learn, believe me this will help you a lot and sometimes you need to go back to these to read something so these will help you to read very fast old things which you learned years ago also making Video [step-by-step] will help too but if you have both THEN this will be very good for you also if you are (or want to be) or these things will help you to teach these things to students also will help to students to learn new things very fast and much better.
As you should make something like this chm file (help/documentation file [step-by-step]) for each things you want learn as “new thing” but remember this you should make this documents with very details also you need to make video about that too and your documents should have pictures of result (success/fail results) also pictures of bugs and pictures of your test on different OS targets like windows 7/10/11 and Servers too and …
Note: "These documentations should be part of your job always".

As you can see in this documentation (chm file) which I made years ago, I talked about basic of DNS service and Configuration via Server-side tools by example and pictures with my “Native Language”. So, after years I still can read that very fast again and learn some things which I learned so many years ago. But if you are or you should put your results of research/tests in this documentations (with details) too so as Pentester you will have lots of Documents and CHM/HTML files like this for each research or for each new hacking things or even new Pentest Projects in your own virtual LAB or ...
this is very little part of new chapter in my New eBook: "how can be a and " (this is my story about how i tried to work on these fields of ).

#pentesters #trick #documents #documentation #instructor #teacher #pentester #securityresearcher #penetrationtester #cyber #security

Last updated 2 years ago

@Diablito · @Diablto
49 followers · 67 posts · Server

this is my New which i am working on this
"how can be a and (this is my story about how i tried to work on these fields of Security)".

half of eBook is ready but still need to rewrite some parts of them, this is my story about Penetration Test and Security Research , in this ebook my goal is talking about my experience in 7-8 years ago and how i worked in these field of cyber security with Example and talking about story of each /Research Projects, my second goal is explaining these things step-by-step to Beginner or Security Researchers for learn how they can start their own things.
also i want to suggest to you all guys make something like this as eBook or Documentation for itself also share that for others in community and let them to learn from your Success and fails Pentest/Research projects and explain to them why you had/have successful/fail experience for each project and what things helped you or what things was necessary but you did not have that object or ... these things in your own free ebook or free documentation will helpful to others when read your experience by ebook or something like that especially when you talk about every thing step by step with pictures of success and fail things (with details) ;D, why not just do it for your friends and for your own infosec .
i am working on this New very hard and i will share this but still this ebook needs new chapters which i am thinking about them ;D

Note: "Cyber Security or Pentest or Teachers and Teachers should do this [without doubt] , i had very good Teaching experience with this method".

finally i want to say these are my experiences & this does not mean you should have experience like this exactly to work in these fields of cyber security, you will find your own style in and "Don't worry."

#ebook #penetrationtester #securityresearcher #cyber #pentest #pentesters #infosec #community #free #instructor #redteam #blueteam #penetrationtesting #securityresearch

Last updated 2 years ago

@Diablito · @Diablto
6 followers · 10 posts · Server
Redhotcyber · @redhotcyber
157 followers · 83 posts · Server

Ethical Hacker e Penetration Tester Extreme. Il nuovo corso di CyberSecurityUP in partenza a gennaio 2023

, business Unit di Fata Informatica ha dato il via alle per la prossima edizione del corso e Edition in partenza il 19 gennaio 2023.

La novità di questa edizione è il , ovvero la nuovissima piattaforma creata dal di CybersecurityUP per esercitarsi su scenari a complessità crescente nell’arte dell’Ethical Hacking.

#infosecurity #privacy #CyberSecurityNews #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybercrime #cybersecurity #hacking #dataprotection #ethicalhacking #informationsecurity #redhotcyber #team #cyberrange #extreme #penetrationtester #ethicalhacker #preiscrizioni #CybersecurityUp

Last updated 2 years ago

Hacks2learn :verified: · @hacks2learn
42 followers · 13 posts · Server


Hello All, my name is Marco. I'm a father and husband and I've been in the Software/IT industry for over 25 years now wearing many hats ranging from , , , team lead, , , , QA test specialist but it wasn't until 2018 that I truly followed my passion of .

I'm currently a for a local company where I focus mainly on the corporate side of things but have a variety of different challenging assignments that keep me engaged in continual learning. I really enjoy ( / ), hacking, , and I'm expanding into . I occasionally dabble in and enjoy following the scene to keep up-to date on the latest tools and techniques the community has to offer! When I'm not on my computer, I'm spending time with my family or walking my dog with my wife enjoying the great Canadian air and one day hope to get back to restoring my -Am and taking it to the .

I don't post often but when I do, it will be related to , , or anything that I feel will help the InfoSec community.


#introduction #programmer #analyst #Consultant #educator #linuxadmin #OracleDBA #automation #hacking #penetrationtester #WebAppPentesting #SEC542 #gwapt #android #wifihacking #recon #Networkpentesting #bugbounty #trans #woodwarddreamcruise #pentesting

Last updated 2 years ago