@lauraehall I’m not getting any images tho
#book #bookstodon #penguinclassics #bookcover
Just out in paperback, this excellent new translation (by Jesse Kirkwood) of Tokyo Express, by one of the godfathers of Japanese detective fiction, Seicho Matsumoto, an engrossing, old-school detective novel from Penguin Classics, highly recommended by our own Joe
#books #CrimeFiction #PenguinClassics #PenguinBooks #TokyoExpress #JesseKirkwood #Japanese #JapaneseLiterature #CrimeFiction #DetectiveNovel #ClassicNovel #livres #TranslatedFiction
#books #crimefiction #penguinclassics #penguinbooks #tokyoexpress #jessekirkwood #Japanese #japaneseliterature #detectivenovel #classicnovel #livres #translatedfiction
Some gorgeous new, small hardback editions in the Penguin Classics series: Steinbeck's Of Mice & Men, Mansfield's Bliss, Dostoyevsky 's White Nights, & Nin's A Spy in the House of Love
#books #ChooseBookshops #Edinburgh #Bruntsfield #ClassicBooks #livres #librairie #ClassicBooks #ClassicFiction #PenguinClassics
#books #choosebookshops #edinburgh #bruntsfield #classicbooks #livres #librairie #classicfiction #penguinclassics
#LunchtimeReading : One Billion Years to the End of the World, by the Strugatsky brothers, translated by Antonia W Bouis, published @PenguinUKBooks , pick for the February #Edinburgh SF Book Group.
#AmReading #books #ScienceFiction #OneBillionYearsToTheEndOfTheWorld #ClassicScienceFiction #livres #crackers #lunch #StrugstskyBrothers #ArkadyAndBorisStrugatsky #PenguinClassics #SovietScienceFiction
#sovietsciencefiction #penguinclassics #arkadyandborisstrugatsky #strugstskybrothers #lunch #crackers #livres #classicsciencefiction #onebillionyearstotheendoftheworld #sciencefiction #books #amreading #edinburgh #lunchtimereading
I swear these #PenguinClassics style #DoctorWho books are my favourite thing, but just seem to sneak up each release. I don’t think they’re promoted well at all but they’re SUCH FUN!
I ordered a #PenguinClassics paperback of “Lady Chatterley‘s Lover” by D.H. Lawrence and it arrived today all banged up (no pun intended). So I’m going to make it my beach read when I go back to #TybeeIsland weekend after next (Jan. 13-17), and it will probably get sand and sea water on it and maybe coffee, but that’s OK since it’s already banged up. On the cover is an abstract drawing by Georgia O’Keeffe that looks vaguely like a nipple.
#penguinclassics #tybeeisland #beachread #DHLawrence #reading
Lunchtime reading: continuing new translation of Matsumoto's Tokyo Express from Penguin Classics, and very much enjoying both story and the descriptions of life in 1950s Japan.
#books #LunchtimeReading #AmReading #SeichoMatsumoto #TokyoExpress #PenguinClassics #livres #lunch
#lunch #livres #penguinclassics #tokyoexpress #seichomatsumoto #amreading #lunchtimereading #books
Heading back to Edinburgh after a few days home with dad, travelling in company of one of Japan's greatest detective novel writers, Seicho Matsumoto, a new translation by Jesse Kirkwood for a lovely Penguin Classics edition, with French flaps.
#books #AmReading #SeichoMatsumoto #livres #lire #Japan #JapaneseLiterature #TokyoExpress #CrimeFiction #DetectiveNovel #PenguinClassics
#penguinclassics #detectivenovel #crimefiction #tokyoexpress #japaneseliterature #japan #lire #livres #seichomatsumoto #amreading #books