📬 Der Urheberrechtsstreit mit dem Internet Archive und seine Folgen
#Rechtssachen #Bibliotheken #digitalisierung #Great78Project #HachetteBookGroup #HarperCollinsPublishers #PenguinRandomHouse #transformativefairuse #Urheberrecht https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/rechtssachen/der-urheberrechtsstreit-mit-dem-internet-archive-und-seine-folgen-279670.html
#Rechtssachen #bibliotheken #digitalisierung #great78project #hachettebookgroup #harpercollinspublishers #penguinrandomhouse #transformativefairuse #urheberrecht
Last Nov, publishing got *excellent* news: the planned merger of #PenguinRandomHouse (the largest publisher in the history of human civilization) with its immediate competitor #SimonAndSchuster would not be permitted, thanks to the #FTC's deftly argued case against the deal:
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
#penguinrandomhouse #simonandschuster #ftc
Gizmodo: The Coolest Exclusive Toys and Merch of San Diego Comic-Con 2023 https://gizmodo.com/san-diego-comic-con-2023-exclusives-hasbro-mattel-funko-1850652883 #skullcandygiheadphoneheadset #mastersoftheuniverse #penguinrandomhouse #sandiegocomiccon #stevenspielberg #marvellegends #actionfigures #mcfarlanetoys #powerrangers #spiderman2 #kotobukiya #hotwheels #ianmalcom #spiderman #gamestop #funkocom #dccomics #hasbro #batman #mattel #jones #gijoe #funko #joe #bob #sh
#skullcandygiheadphoneheadset #mastersoftheuniverse #penguinrandomhouse #sandiegocomiccon #stevenspielberg #marvellegends #actionfigures #mcfarlanetoys #powerrangers #spiderman2 #kotobukiya #hotwheels #ianmalcom #spiderman #gamestop #funkocom #dccomics #hasbro #batman #mattel #jones #gijoe #funko #joe #bob #sh
Gizmodo: Get a First Look at George R.R. Martin's Wild Cards: Now & Then Graphic Novel https://gizmodo.com/george-r-r-martin-wild-cards-graphic-novel-exclusive-1850618714 #penguinrandomhousellc #davidanthonydurham #penguinrandomhouse #melindamsnodgrass #kevinandrewmurphy #christopherrowe #georgerrmartin #bradleydenton #carrievaughn #gabrielsilva #peternewman #playingcard #bantambooks #randomhouse #markokloos #renaedeliz #gwendabond #katebrandt #wildcards #anacortez #eisner
#penguinrandomhousellc #davidanthonydurham #penguinrandomhouse #melindamsnodgrass #kevinandrewmurphy #christopherrowe #georgerrmartin #bradleydenton #carrievaughn #gabrielsilva #peternewman #playingcard #bantambooks #randomhouse #markokloos #renaedeliz #gwendabond #katebrandt #wildcards #anacortez #eisner
#PenguinRandomHouse -kustantamo ja kirjailijoiden sanavapausjärjestö #PENamerica ovat haastaneet floridalaisen koulupiirin oikeuteen koulujen kirjastojen tarjonnan rajoittamisesta.
#RonDeSantis #DeSantis #Florida #konservatiivit #äärioikeisto #republikaanit #USA #Yhdysvallat #USpol #kirja #kirjat #lukeminen
#penguinrandomhouse #penamerica #rondesantis #desantis #florida #konservatiivit #aarioikeisto #republikaanit #usa #yhdysvallat #uspol #kirja #kirjat #lukeminen
Two Supreme Court justices, Justice #SoniaSotomayor and Justice #NeilGorsuch, did not recuse themselves from cases that came before the court over the past decade involving a publishing company that paid them in lucrative book deals
#SCOTUS #PenguinRandomHouse
#soniasotomayor #neilgorsuch #scotus #penguinrandomhouse
„Der Roman ist die Form des Teufels - Tübinger Vorlesungen“ Karl Ovr Knausgård
#knausgard #karloveknausgard #vorlesungen #tübingen #tuebingen #roman #teufel #btb #penguinrandomhouse #btb-verlag
#buch #book #leseempfehlung #lesen #reading #rofopho #literatur #literature #lesenmachtglücklich #readersofinstagram #bookstagram #bookworm #bücherliebe #bookselfie #lesefreude #lesenmachtfreude #literatur
#lesenmachtfreude #lesefreude #bookselfie #bucherliebe #bookworm #bookstagram #readersofinstagram #lesenmachtglucklich #literature #literatur #rofopho #reading #lesen #leseempfehlung #book #buch #penguinrandomhouse #btb #teufel #roman #tuebingen #tubingen #vorlesungen #KarlOveKnausgard #Knausgard
👉 Wow! 🤩
What a life! ✏️
What a book! 📚
👑 #JackKirby 👑
by #TomScioli
Can’t wait for #TomScioli ’s follow-up book on #StanLee 🕶
#kingkirby #jackkingkirby #comics #marvel #marvelcomics #dc #DCComics #captainamerica #fantasticfour #fourthworld #kirbysfourthworld #eternals #newgods #joesimon #readmorecomics
#jackkirby #tomscioli #stanlee #tenspeedpress #randomhouse #penguinrandomhouse #kingkirby #jackkingkirby #comics #marvel #marvelcomics #dc #dccomics #captainamerica #fantasticfour #fourthworld #kirbysfourthworld #eternals #newgods #joesimon #readmorecomics
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Nora Ephron’s Sister on Why ‘Heartburn’ Is Just As Searing 40 Years On https://jezebel.com/nora-ephron-delia-ephron-heartburn-turns-40-1850270030 #Jezebel #love2closs2candwhatiwore #cinemaoftheunitedstates #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #sleeplessinseattle #penguinrandomhouse #whenharrymetsally #americanculture #craigclaiborne #creativeworks #jacknicholson #rachelsamstat #humaninterest #carlbernstein #harrymetsally #stanleytucci #amy
#jezebel #love2closs2candwhatiwore #cinemaoftheunitedstates #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #sleeplessinseattle #penguinrandomhouse #whenharrymetsally #americanculture #craigclaiborne #creativeworks #jacknicholson #rachelsamstat #humaninterest #carlbernstein #harrymetsally #StanleyTucci #amy
- Use Library Genesis & Anna's Archive
- Help build or support a shadow library that isn't on some white libertarian nonsense
Then people don't have to use the above two
- Destroy the multinational corporate behemoths behind the lawsuit
(Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins Publishers, John Wiley & Sons, and Penguin Random House)
- Overthrow the illegitimate government which issued the ruling
Fascist police states built on slavery & genocide are bad, actually
#Libraries #Publishers #Books #Corporations #Monopoly #DigitalLibraries #Censorship #Copyright #FairUse #PublicCommons #DigitalCommons #Authors #BookPreservation #History #Culture #CDL #InternetArchive #LibGen #AnnasArchive #Hachette #HarperCollins #Wiley #PenguinRandomHouse
#libraries #publishers #books #corporations #monopoly #digitallibraries #censorship #copyright #fairuse #publiccommons #digitalcommons #authors #bookpreservation #history #culture #cdl #internetarchive #libgen #AnnasArchive #Hachette #harpercollins #wiley #penguinrandomhouse
Ars Technica: Book publishers with surging profits struggle to prove Internet Archive hurt sales https://arstechnica.com/?p=1925368 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #PenguinRandomHouse #InternetArchive #HarperCollins #JohnWiley&Son #copyrightact #hachette #Policy #ebooks #DMCA
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #penguinrandomhouse #internetarchive #harpercollins #johnwiley #copyrightact #hachette #policy #ebooks #dmca
Book publishers with surging profits struggle to prove Internet Archive hurt sales - Enlarge (credit: feellife | iStock / Getty Images Plus)
Today,... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1925368 #penguinrandomhouse #internetarchive #harpercollins #johnwiley&son #copyrightact #hachette #policy #ebooks #dmca
#dmca #ebooks #policy #Hachette #copyrightact #johnwiley #harpercollins #internetarchive #penguinrandomhouse
📬 Internet Archive: Termin für mündliche Anhörung steht
#EBooks #Rechtssachen #BrewsterKahle #ControlledDigitalLending #FairUseDoktrin #FightfortheFuture #HachetteBookGroup #HarperCollinsPublishers #InternetArchive #JohnWileySonsInc #PenguinRandomHouse #RichterJohnGKoeltl https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/rechtssachen/internet-archive-termin-fuer-muendliche-anhoerung-steht-266015.html
#richterjohngkoeltl #penguinrandomhouse #johnwileysonsinc #internetarchive #harpercollinspublishers #hachettebookgroup #fightforthefuture #fairusedoktrin #controlleddigitallending #brewsterkahle #Rechtssachen #ebooks
This is a great long read about the lawsuit at the heart of the attempt of Penguin/Random House's owner to buy Simon and Shuster. But it's really about publishing and the book industry more broadly. It's even got a Stephen King cameo.
At Random
by Christian Lorentzen
The business of books and the merger that wasn’t
#Books #BookIndustry #PenguinRandomHouse #SimonAndShuster #Publishing #WritersCommunity #StephenKing
#stephenking #writerscommunity #publishing #simonandshuster #penguinrandomhouse #BookIndustry #Books
Savvy Book Influencer Uses Instagram to Share Her Love of Black Literature | https://www.theroot.com/savvy-book-influencer-uses-instagram-to-share-her-love-1850074554 #africanamericanliterature #theireyeswerewatchinggod #entertainment2cculture #penguinrandomhouse #thebethiphopawards #americanwriters #nealehurston #tonimorrison #jamesbaldwin #penguinbooks #thebluesteye #literature #audrelorde #instagram #creemyles #nicstone #writers #audrey #walker #kendi #alice
#africanamericanliterature #theireyeswerewatchinggod #entertainment2cculture #penguinrandomhouse #thebethiphopawards #americanwriters #nealehurston #tonimorrison #jamesbaldwin #penguinbooks #thebluesteye #literature #audrelorde #Instagram #creemyles #nicstone #writers #audrey #Walker #kendi #alice
#IndieAuthorNews #News #AhmedRashad #Arabworld #Arabic #BookFairs #CairoInternationalBookFair #DigitalPublishing #Ebooks #Egypt #FrankfurtBookFair #MiddleEast #PenguinRandomHouse
At Cairo International Book Fair: Armfuls of Books
At this year's Cairo International Book Fair, topics are the cost of printing, inflation, and piracy, as fair-goers arrive to buy books.
The post At Cairo International Book...
#indieauthornews #news #ahmedrashad #arabworld #arabic #bookfairs #cairointernationalbookfair #digitalpublishing #ebooks #egypt #frankfurtbookfair #middleeast #penguinrandomhouse
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Bertelsmann #Diversity #Germany #InternationalPublishing #MadelineMcIntosh #MarkusDohle #MergersandAcquisitions #NanaLohrengel #PenguinRandomHouse
Penguin Random House’s Madeline McIntosh To Step Down
I am here for every single one of you, now and in the future,' Madeline McIntosh tells PRH staff in a heartfelt memo.
The post Penguin Random House’s Made...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #bertelsmann #diversity #germany #internationalpublishing #madelinemcintosh #markusdohle #mergersandacquisitions #nanalohrengel #penguinrandomhouse
Prinz Harrys legt mit "Reserve" Rekordstart hin https://www.lesering.de/id/4909097/Rekordstart-fur-Prinz-Harrys-Reserve/ #PenguinRandomHouse #PrinzHarry #Buchmarkt #Buchmarkt #Reserve
#reserve #buchmarkt #prinzharry #penguinrandomhouse
I want to take this moment to thank #PenguinRandomHouse for providing me an advanced copy of #Spare the memoir written by the Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry.
This was a great deep read revealing more than I expected, yet restraining on information release. That caution restraint left me wanting more.
"Bertelsmann said this was 'at his own request and on the best of mutual terms.'
...Dohle’s interim successor will be Nihar Malaviya, currently president and chief operating officer of Penguin Random House US. Malaviya will report to Bertelsmann c.e.o. Thomas Rabe and will be appointed to Bertelsmann’s Group Management Committee (GMC)."
#publishing #penguinrandomhouse #prh #prhvdoj