This fundraiser is for a friend of a friend, I know it's the wrong time of year to ask but in case anyone was looking for somewhere to donate a few pennies
You can follow Gav's progress on instagram too if you're so inclined
It's not easy, and I'm always wary of fundraisers for treatment overseas but the #NHS is on it's knees at the moment, and I can see why they're hoping #checkyourcockerel #cancer #fuckcancer #penilecancer
#nhs #checkyourcockerel #cancer #fuckcancer #penilecancer
Hello Urology people! We have moved and are now under medics ☺️
We are here to listen and share for #Urology #ProstateCancer #BladderCancer #KidneyCancer #PenileCancer #TesticularCancer #UTUC #RCC #Urolithiasis #KidneyStones #Endourology #OAB #Incontinence #InterstitialCystitis #PedUro #KidneyTransplant #UroUTI #UroBPH #ReconstructiveUrology #UroTrauma #PeyroniesDisease #ErectileDysfunction #Andrology #LUTS #Priapism #Infertility #PelvicFloor #RenalTrauma #SexualMedicine #UroSoMe
#urology #ProstateCancer #bladdercancer #KidneyCancer #penilecancer #testicularcancer #utuc #rcc #urolithiasis #kidneystones #endourology #oab #incontinence #interstitialcystitis #peduro #kidneytransplant #urouti #urobph #reconstructiveurology #urotrauma #peyroniesdisease #erectiledysfunction #andrology #luts #priapism #infertility #pelvicfloor #renaltrauma #sexualmedicine #UroSoMe