Fuck! In one week is my 8 week appointment post-op wi mah Urologist. We will test drive the implant fur function (cycling) and if all is bonnie, which it will, I will be cleared fur sex!! What this means, is that I will be able tae hae sex with mah wee spouse and any potential partners. Ah've been married fur 7 year and we hae ne'er made love. #ED #PeyroniesDisease #PenileImplant #Depression #SelfLoathing #Shagging
#shagging #selfloathing #Depression #penileimplant #peyroniesdisease #ed
Ok, I've decided tae share this as I see nae need not tae. I suffer frae #ED due tae the unfortunate combinations of medications I MUST take. I also suffer frae #PeyroniesDisease what makes my ED inoperable. Because of this, I havnae had penetrative sex for 17 year and my severe #MDD and #SelfHatred cause me tae nae have any other form of sex. A week ago, I received an inflatable #PenileImplant. This may change my life a wee bit. Questions welcome.
#penileimplant #selfhatred #mdd #peyroniesdisease #ed