Penn and Teller - Nailgun.
One of the safest magic *tricks* there is (remember this is Penn and Teller, not David Blaine), but so elegantly put together and spectacularly performed.
The one that I find myself going back to is Kostaya Kimlat, fooling them with his own variation on a trick that they had performed themselves on morning telly only a couple of months before.
Teller Reveals His Secrets
#PennAndTeller #Magic #Smithsonian
#smithsonian #magic #pennandteller
Had a blast watching Penn & Teller last night and I got to participate too! I read out the audience guesses for how many jellybeans were in a carafe in the Wisdom of the Crowd act, and went onstage for the finale where they made an African Spotted Pygmy Elephant disappear 😄 #PennAndTeller #Magic
Heading to Vegas tomorrow for my son’s gymnastics competition. First time I’ll be outside the airport there. Made sure to grab Penn & Teller tickets. Very excited! #PennAndTeller #Magic
AGain... how could I forget #ReboAndZooty were #PennAndTeller? What the hell??
#babylon5 #pennandteller #reboandzooty
NYJ, born the year that a rock 'n' roll record first made the pop charts, I'm a tax-and-spend bleeding heart limousine liberal and proud of it. #MitchCohen #LairdCregar #MiriamHopkins #KayFrancis #TroubleInParadise #DesignForLiving #310ToYuma #PereUbu #TheSuburbs #LoveIsTheLaw #AnythingAnything #PabloPicasso #HenriMatisse #RalphFleck #WilliamKlein #MassimoVignelli #BernardHermann #EnnioMorricone #TheHiddenFortress #BertLahr #EdWynn #WCFields #PennandTeller #FlyingKaramazovs #UncleVanya #Jumpers
#jumpers #UncleVanya #flyingkaramazovs #pennandteller #wcfields #edwynn #bertlahr #thehiddenfortress #enniomorricone #bernardhermann #massimovignelli #WilliamKlein #ralphfleck #HenriMatisse #pablopicasso #anythinganything #loveisthelaw #thesuburbs #PereUbu #310toyuma #designforliving #troubleinparadise #kayfrancis #miriamhopkins #lairdcregar #mitchcohen
The secret revealed!
'Famous Magician Impossible Levitation Trick Baffles Penn!!'
#magic #pennandteller #tricks #levitation
Anybody in need of a little #magic in their evening? #pennandteller #foolus #cardmagic #xp
#magic #pennandteller #foolus #cardmagic #xp
Während einer Las Vegas Zaubershow als Zuschauer auf die Bühne geholt werden.
✅ Achievement unlocked #pennandteller