"New Carbon Offset Rules Aim to Clean Up Company Climate Claims" by Eric Roston for #Bloomberg @business (w/ a nice shout-out for #PennCSSM and our new senior fellow Joe Romm): https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-06-28/new-rules-for-carbon-offsets-aim-to-clean-up-company-climate-claims#xj4y7vzkg
"Joseph Romm Joins the Penn Center for Science, Sustainability and the Media (#PennCSSM)" via @pennsas https://www.sas.upenn.edu/news/joseph-romm-joins-penn-center-science-sustainability-and-media
Joe Romm's inaugural contribution to the work of #PennCSSM is his brand new white paper "Are carbon offsets unscalable, unjust, and unfixable—and a
threat to the Paris Climate Agreement?"
"A Cool Debate About a Heated Topic" | Our latest #PennCSSM commentary about our recent #Geoengineering panel event, courtesy of Vanessa Schipani: https://web.sas.upenn.edu/pcssm/uncategorized/a-cool-debate-about-a-heated-topic/
"Is Solar Geoengineering a Viable Tool in the Climate Policy Arsenal?" | Our next #PennCSSM event (joint with @perryworldhouse and #KleinmanEnergy), Wed Apr 19, noon: https://web.sas.upenn.edu/pcssm/calendar_event/is-solar-geoengineering-a-viable-tool-in-the-climate-policy-arsenal/
"Is Solar Geoengineering a Viable Tool in the Climate Policy Arsenal?" | Our next #PennCSSM event (joint with @perryworldhouse), Wed Apr 19, noon: https://web.sas.upenn.edu/pcssm/calendar_event/is-solar-geoengineering-a-viable-tool-in-the-climate-policy-arsenal/
"Tilting on its Axis: How to Steady a Climate-Threatened World" (Wed Apr 5 noon) | Panel discussion with LaShawn Jefferson, Mark Alan Hughes & yours truly, courtesy of #PerryWorldHouse, #PennSAS, #WeitzmanSchool (w/ #KleinmanEnergy & #PennCSSM): https://www.alumni.upenn.edu/s/1587/gid2/16/interior.aspx?sid=1587&gid=2&pgid=39981&cid=83335&ecid=83335&crid=0&calpgid=36358&calcid=83330
#penncssm #kleinmanenergy #weitzmanschool #pennsas #perryworldhouse
"Tilting on its Axis: How to Steady a Climate-Threatened World" (Wed Apr 5 noon) | Panel discussion with LaShawn Jefferson, Mark Alan Hughes & yours truly, courtesy of #PerryWorldHouse, #PennSAS, #WeitzmanSchool (w/ #KleinmanEnergy & #PennCSSM): https://www.alumni.upenn.edu/s/1587/gid2/16/interior.aspx?sid=1587&gid=2&pgid=39981&cid=83335&ecid=83335&crid=0&calpgid=36358&calcid=83330
#penncssm #kleinmanenergy #weitzmanschool #pennsas #perryworldhouse
"What is #ESG? Why It Matters and Why You Should Pay Attention" | Our #Penn #EnergyWeek panel event (joint with #PennCSSM/#KleinmanEnergy/#Wharton) earlier this week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhtcPZPcREg
#penncssm #energyweek #Penn #ESG
Our #PennCSSM "Energy Week" event with #PennWharton . Register here: https://web.sas.upenn.edu/pcssm/calendar_event/what-is-esg-why-it-matters-and-why-you-should-pay-attention/
#EnergyatPenn #pennwharton #penncssm
"What is ESG? Why It Matters and Why You Should Pay Attention" | Our upcoming (Mon March 20) #PennCSSM event, joint with The #Wharton School, as part of #KleinmanEnergy #EnergyWeek: https://web.sas.upenn.edu/pcssm/calendar_event/what-is-esg-why-it-matters-and-why-you-should-pay-attention/
#energyweek #kleinmanenergy #wharton #penncssm
We (#PennCSSM) are proud to be hosting (w/ @APPCPenn Penn/@AnnenbergPenn and #PennSAS the Society of Environmental Journalists annual conference at #Penn in 2024 Journalists in the Philly area are welcome to attend this happy hour this Friday: https://www.sej.org/calendar/sej-happy-hour-philadelphia
#sej2024 #Penn #pennsas #penncssm
"Does Democracy Die with Dark Money?--An interview with author Senator Sheldon Whitehouse on his new book on how the right wing captured SCOTUS w/ dark money" | Our latest commentary at #PennCSSM by Vanessa Schipani: https://web.sas.upenn.edu/pcssm/commentary/does-democracy-die-with-dark-money/
"How dark money fuels climate denialism" | Great piece in #PennToday by Marilyn Perkins on our recent #PennCSSM event with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/dark-money-climate-denialism-whitehouse?utm_source=Primary&utm_campaign=9e551a4ce6-12%2F12%2F15%3A+Intersectional+politics&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-64024ffd58-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D
"Breaking Down 'The Scheme' with Author Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (12/9/2022)" | Our #PennCSSM @Penn event last week w/ #PennSAS / #APPCPenn/#AnnenbergPenn/#KleinmanEnergy): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGKGrcm-4Hs