| THANK ITS ! : EXP: Licensed Correspondent Lender – National Lender in All States—16 years | Licensed in Florida, 12 years. Telemarketing Industry (Supervisor) --7 years.

HERE is the OF in the USA.

Real Estate had become a GRAVE YARD (REST IN PEACE! ).

Home sales for the last 3 years spiked 150% + above MARKET PRICE --due COVID among other financial manipulation in stock markets ( ) --which accelerated .

Aka RUNNING ! to CUT OUT (EXCLUDE) (all home buyers for that matter) and ?? (btw don’t like to share;)

there will be NO AFFORDABLE HOUSING for the next decade.

Now that's a ! imho

USA has devastated this economy so badly --that only the elites will benefit.. ..Temporarily..

Markets will SKYROCKET and will only be affordable to the wealthy (aka leasing gone wild). Average rent in RIGHT NOW is $5500.00 USD and rising..

This morning; as I’m riding my bike;) I could not help but seeing Sarasota streets being FILLED up with the homeless (OUT OF STATE). In-fact sleeping in plain sight on main roads. Have not ever seen that and I am a local here IN FLORIDA.

Millennial's will suffer the most. There is no AFFORDABLE chance of home ownership in the USA.
are to for that --as well.

We have tried to WARN all for the last 12 years but NO ONE LISTENED; Many just SCOFFED at ADVISE. (aka )

NOW ITS TIME TO for not listening to the ones THAT KNOW!


You cannot even get a LOAN since the SUPERSEDES well above (CMA) MARKET PRICE and that means out of pocket down payment --up to 70% will be *required at closing. The number$$$ folks simply do not MAKE GOOD BUYING SENSE –only to the desperate will buy and there will be many of those..

Wealth is changing hands.. by the Billions/TRILLIONS and going into hands. That money will be foolishly spent and will be UP FOR GRABS;)..

It gets worse.. NOW combine that with (aka home improvement) stores CRASHING IN STOCK MARKETS --says it all.

Housing markets NOW Unaffordable. Many homeowners will spend money to improve the property and live in it until the market matches their initial investment to at LEAST BREAK EVEN--which will never happen.

Many have no clue on what to spend that money on to improve the property and its NOT a kitchen or Roof upgrade.. AND/OR PAINT JOB. Ugh!

The decline in home improvement store purchases is the biggest indicator that homeowners are --running out of money..

Personal Credit for USA has reach unprecedented amounts TOPPING a Trillion dollars --with no means of paying it back??

WORSE YET?? THERE ARE FOR THIS .. are buying this debt at on the ..

Yesterday at closing bell more massive losses and EVERYONE ??


That's the elites making billions on selling debt at Pennies on the dollar ---that is why they are so .

Making a ton of money OFF your AND TO COME THAT YOU CANNOT SEE-- BUT THEY CAN.. Helloooooooo?

What is on the horizon. All real estate will go into another foreclosure craze. No one is buying debt anymore..

Housing prices will crash;)


Try to imagine hand-sized SNOWBALL rolling down a massive hill for the last 20 years. The way you build a snowman.. that snowball NOW has become MASSIVE in SIZE. Perpetuated by GREEDY Governments (Printing Money) and GREEDY Elites ( and the alike )

The only Communistic Government now in control is NOT Cuba, China or Russia.. OH NO!


This is an of ;(

Hey, we cut our teeth under these conditions.. TGIF;) grin


! - GOT The ? (Official Video)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#tgif #god #Friday #Davidv #Housing_Forecast #Residential #real_estate_broker #Home_improvement #Reality #HOME_OWNERSHIP #commercial #rip #HFT #PANIC_BUYING #overcharging #RAMPANT #FIRST_TIME #Home_buyers #Millionaires #Greedy_Billionaires #kids #BUBBLE_BURST #Rental #Rental_Housing #ny #you #blame #VALUABLE #fools #PAY_THE_PIPER #CASH_BUYERS #INFLATED #Appraised_Value #inept #HOME_DEPOT #NO_BUYERS #debt #elites #pennies #dollar #Cheering #happy #misery #MORE_MISERY #politicians #united_states #america #illusion #democracy #LETS_DANCE #Snap #who #power #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

| THANK ITS ! : EXP: Licensed Correspondent Lender – National Lender in All States—16 years | Licensed in Florida, 12 years. Telemarketing Industry (Supervisor) --7 years.

HERE is the OF in the USA.

Real Estate had become a GRAVE YARD (REST IN PEACE! ).

Home sales for the last 3 years spiked 150% + above MARKET PRICE --due COVID among other financial manipulation in stock markets ( ) --which accelerated .

Aka RUNNING ! to CUT OUT (EXCLUDE) (all home buyers for that matter) and ?? (btw don’t like to share;)

there will be NO AFFORDABLE HOUSING for the next decade.

Now that's a ! imho

USA has devastated this economy so badly --that only the elites will benefit.. ..Temporarily..

Markets will SKYROCKET and will only be affordable to the wealthy (aka leasing gone wild). Average rent in RIGHT NOW is $5500.00 USD and rising..

This morning; as I’m riding my bike;) I could not help but seeing Sarasota streets being FILLED up with the homeless (OUT OF STATE). In-fact sleeping in plain sight on main roads. Have not ever seen that and I am a local here IN FLORIDA.

Millennial's will suffer the most. There is no AFFORDABLE chance of home ownership in the USA.
are to for that --as well.

We have tried to WARN all for the last 12 years but NO ONE LISTENED; Many just SCOFFED at ADVISE. (aka )

NOW ITS TIME TO for not listening to the ones THAT KNOW!


You cannot even get a LOAN since the SUPERSEDES well above (CMA) MARKET PRICE and that means out of pocket down payment --up to 70% will be *required at closing. The number$$$ folks simply do not MAKE GOOD BUYING SENSE –only to the desperate will buy and there will be many of those..

Wealth is changing hands.. by the Billions/TRILLIONS and going into hands. That money will be foolishly spent and will be UP FOR GRABS;)..

It gets worse.. NOW combine that with (aka home improvement) stores CRASHING IN STOCK MARKETS --says it all.

Housing markets NOW Unaffordable. Many homeowners will spend money to improve the property and live in it until the market matches their initial investment to at LEAST BREAK EVEN--which will never happen.

Many have no clue on what to spend that money on to improve the property and its NOT a kitchen or Roof upgrade.. AND/OR PAINT JOB. Ugh!

The decline in home improvement store purchases is the biggest indicator that homeowners are --running out of money..

Personal Credit for USA has reach unprecedented amounts TOPPING a Trillion dollars --with no means of paying it back??

WORSE YET?? THERE ARE FOR THIS .. are buying this debt at on the ..

Yesterday at closing bell more massive losses and EVERYONE ??


That's the elites making billions on selling debt at Pennies on the dollar ---that is why they are so .

Making a ton of money OFF your AND TO COME THAT YOU CANNOT SEE-- BUT THEY CAN.. Helloooooooo?

What is on the horizon. All real estate will go into another foreclosure craze. No one is buying debt anymore..

Housing prices will crash;)


Try to imagine hand-sized SNOWBALL rolling down a massive hill for the last 20 years. The way you build a snowman.. that snowball NOW has become MASSIVE in SIZE. Perpetuated by GREEDY Governments (Printing Money) and GREEDY Elites ( and the alike )

The only Communistic Government now in control is NOT Cuba, China or Russia.. OH NO!


This is an of ;(

Hey, we cut our teeth under these conditions.. TGIF;) grin


! - GOT The ? (Official Video)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#tgif #god #Friday #Davidv #Housing_Forecast #Residential #real_estate_broker #Home_improvement #Reality #HOME_OWNERSHIP #commercial #rip #HFT #PANIC_BUYING #overcharging #RAMPANT #FIRST_TIME #Home_buyers #Millionaires #Greedy_Billionaires #kids #BUBBLE_BURST #Rental #Rental_Housing #ny #you #blame #VALUABLE #fools #PAY_THE_PIPER #CASH_BUYERS #INFLATED #Appraised_Value #inept #HOME_DEPOT #NO_BUYERS #debt #elites #pennies #dollar #Cheering #happy #misery #MORE_MISERY #politicians #united_states #america #illusion #democracy #LETS_DANCE #Snap #who #power #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

| THANK ITS ! : EXP: Licensed Correspondent Lender – National Lender in All States—16 years | Licensed in Florida, 12 years. Telemarketing Industry (Supervisor) --7 years.

HERE is the OF in the USA.

Real Estate had become a GRAVE YARD (REST IN PEACE! ).

Home sales for the last 3 years spiked 150% + above MARKET PRICE --due COVID among other financial manipulation in stock markets ( ) --which accelerated .

Aka RUNNING ! to CUT OUT (EXCLUDE) (all home buyers for that matter) and ?? (btw don’t like to share;)

there will be NO AFFORDABLE HOUSING for the next decade.

Now that's a ! imho

USA has devastated this economy so badly --that only the elites will benefit.. ..Temporarily..

Markets will SKYROCKET and will only be affordable to the wealthy (aka leasing gone wild). Average rent in RIGHT NOW is $5500.00 USD and rising..

This morning; as I’m riding my bike;) I could not help but seeing Sarasota streets being FILLED up with the homeless (OUT OF STATE). In-fact sleeping in plain sight on main roads. Have not ever seen that and I am a local here IN FLORIDA.

Millennial's will suffer the most. There is no AFFORDABLE chance of home ownership in the USA.
are to for that --as well.

We have tried to WARN all for the last 12 years but NO ONE LISTENED; Many just SCOFFED at ADVISE. (aka )

NOW ITS TIME TO for not listening to the ones THAT KNOW!


You cannot even get a LOAN since the SUPERSEDES well above (CMA) MARKET PRICE and that means out of pocket down payment --up to 70% will be *required at closing. The number$$$ folks simply do not MAKE GOOD BUYING SENSE –only to the desperate will buy and there will be many of those..

Wealth is changing hands.. by the Billions/TRILLIONS and going into hands. That money will be foolishly spent and will be UP FOR GRABS;)..

It gets worse.. NOW combine that with (aka home improvement) stores CRASHING IN STOCK MARKETS --says it all.

Housing markets NOW Unaffordable. Many homeowners will spend money to improve the property and live in it until the market matches their initial investment to at LEAST BREAK EVEN--which will never happen.

Many have no clue on what to spend that money on to improve the property and its NOT a kitchen or Roof upgrade.. AND/OR PAINT JOB. Ugh!

The decline in home improvement store purchases is the biggest indicator that homeowners are --running out of money..

Personal Credit for USA has reach unprecedented amounts TOPPING a Trillion dollars --with no means of paying it back??

WORSE YET?? THERE ARE FOR THIS .. are buying this debt at on the ..

Yesterday at closing bell more massive losses and EVERYONE ??


That's the elites making billions on selling debt at Pennies on the dollar ---that is why they are so .

Making a ton of money OFF your AND TO COME THAT YOU CANNOT SEE-- BUT THEY CAN.. Helloooooooo?

What is on the horizon. All real estate will go into another foreclosure craze. No one is buying debt anymore..

Housing prices will crash;)


Try to imagine hand-sized SNOWBALL rolling down a massive hill for the last 20 years. The way you build a snowman.. that snowball NOW has become MASSIVE in SIZE. Perpetuated by GREEDY Governments (Printing Money) and GREEDY Elites ( and the alike )

The only Communistic Government now in control is NOT Cuba, China or Russia.. OH NO!


This is an of ;(

Hey, we cut our teeth under these conditions.. TGIF;) grin


! - GOT The ? (Official Video)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#tgif #god #Friday #Davidv #Housing_Forecast #Residential #real_estate_broker #Home_improvement #Reality #HOME_OWNERSHIP #commercial #rip #HFT #PANIC_BUYING #overcharging #RAMPANT #FIRST_TIME #Home_buyers #Millionaires #Greedy_Billionaires #kids #BUBBLE_BURST #Rental #Rental_Housing #ny #you #blame #VALUABLE #fools #PAY_THE_PIPER #CASH_BUYERS #INFLATED #Appraised_Value #inept #HOME_DEPOT #NO_BUYERS #debt #elites #pennies #dollar #Cheering #happy #misery #MORE_MISERY #politicians #united_states #america #illusion #democracy #LETS_DANCE #Snap #who #power #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

| THANK ITS ! : EXP: Licensed Correspondent Lender – National Lender in All States—16 years | Licensed in Florida, 12 years. Telemarketing Industry (Supervisor) --7 years.

HERE is the OF in the USA.

Real Estate had become a GRAVE YARD (REST IN PEACE! ).

Home sales for the last 3 years spiked 150% + above MARKET PRICE --due COVID among other financial manipulation in stock markets ( ) --which accelerated .

Aka RUNNING ! to CUT OUT (EXCLUDE) (all home buyers for that matter) and ?? (btw don’t like to share;)

there will be NO AFFORDABLE HOUSING for the next decade.

Now that's a ! imho

USA has devastated this economy so badly --that only the elites will benefit.. ..Temporarily..

Markets will SKYROCKET and will only be affordable to the wealthy (aka leasing gone wild). Average rent in RIGHT NOW is $5500.00 USD and rising..

This morning; as I’m riding my bike;) I could not help but seeing Sarasota streets being FILLED up with the homeless (OUT OF STATE). In-fact sleeping in plain sight on main roads. Have not ever seen that and I am a local here IN FLORIDA.

Millennial's will suffer the most. There is no AFFORDABLE chance of home ownership in the USA.
are to for that --as well.

We have tried to WARN all for the last 12 years but NO ONE LISTENED; Many just SCOFFED at ADVISE. (aka )

NOW ITS TIME TO for not listening to the ones THAT KNOW!


You cannot even get a LOAN since the SUPERSEDES well above (CMA) MARKET PRICE and that means out of pocket down payment --up to 70% will be *required at closing. The number$$$ folks simply do not MAKE GOOD BUYING SENSE –only to the desperate will buy and there will be many of those..

Wealth is changing hands.. by the Billions/TRILLIONS and going into hands. That money will be foolishly spent and will be UP FOR GRABS;)..

It gets worse.. NOW combine that with (aka home improvement) stores CRASHING IN STOCK MARKETS --says it all.

Housing markets NOW Unaffordable. Many homeowners will spend money to improve the property and live in it until the market matches their initial investment to at LEAST BREAK EVEN--which will never happen.

Many have no clue on what to spend that money on to improve the property and its NOT a kitchen or Roof upgrade.. AND/OR PAINT JOB. Ugh!

The decline in home improvement store purchases is the biggest indicator that homeowners are --running out of money..

Personal Credit for USA has reach unprecedented amounts TOPPING a Trillion dollars --with no means of paying it back??

WORSE YET?? THERE ARE FOR THIS .. are buying this debt at on the ..

Yesterday at closing bell more massive losses and EVERYONE ??


That's the elites making billions on selling debt at Pennies on the dollar ---that is why they are so .

Making a ton of money OFF your AND TO COME THAT YOU CANNOT SEE-- BUT THEY CAN.. Helloooooooo?

What is on the horizon. All real estate will go into another foreclosure craze. No one is buying debt anymore..

Housing prices will crash;)


Try to imagine hand-sized SNOWBALL rolling down a massive hill for the last 20 years. The way you build a snowman.. that snowball NOW has become MASSIVE in SIZE. Perpetuated by GREEDY Governments (Printing Money) and GREEDY Elites ( and the alike )

The only Communistic Government now in control is NOT Cuba, China or Russia.. OH NO!


This is an of ;(

Hey, we cut our teeth under these conditions.. TGIF;) grin


! - GOT The ? (Official Video)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#tgif #god #Friday #Davidv #Housing_Forecast #Residential #real_estate_broker #Home_improvement #Reality #HOME_OWNERSHIP #commercial #rip #HFT #PANIC_BUYING #overcharging #RAMPANT #FIRST_TIME #Home_buyers #Millionaires #Greedy_Billionaires #kids #BUBBLE_BURST #Rental #Rental_Housing #ny #you #blame #VALUABLE #fools #PAY_THE_PIPER #CASH_BUYERS #INFLATED #Appraised_Value #inept #HOME_DEPOT #NO_BUYERS #debt #elites #pennies #dollar #Cheering #happy #misery #MORE_MISERY #politicians #united_states #america #illusion #democracy #LETS_DANCE #Snap #who #power #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

| THANK ITS ! : EXP: Licensed Correspondent Lender – National Lender in All States—16 years | Licensed in Florida, 12 years. Telemarketing Industry (Supervisor) --7 years.

HERE is the OF in the USA.

Real Estate had become a GRAVE YARD (REST IN PEACE! ).

Home sales for the last 3 years spiked 150% + above MARKET PRICE --due COVID among other financial manipulation in stock markets ( ) --which accelerated .

Aka RUNNING ! to CUT OUT (EXCLUDE) (all home buyers for that matter) and ?? (btw don’t like to share;)

there will be NO AFFORDABLE HOUSING for the next decade.

Now that's a ! imho

USA has devastated this economy so badly --that only the elites will benefit.. ..Temporarily..

Markets will SKYROCKET and will only be affordable to the wealthy (aka leasing gone wild). Average rent in RIGHT NOW is $5500.00 USD and rising..

This morning; as I’m riding my bike;) I could not help but seeing Sarasota streets being FILLED up with the homeless (OUT OF STATE). In-fact sleeping in plain sight on main roads. Have not ever seen that and I am a local here IN FLORIDA.

Millennial's will suffer the most. There is no AFFORDABLE chance of home ownership in the USA.
are to for that --as well.

We have tried to WARN all for the last 12 years but NO ONE LISTENED; Many just SCOFFED at ADVISE. (aka )

NOW ITS TIME TO for not listening to the ones THAT KNOW!


You cannot even get a LOAN since the SUPERSEDES well above (CMA) MARKET PRICE and that means out of pocket down payment --up to 70% will be *required at closing. The number$$$ folks simply do not MAKE GOOD BUYING SENSE –only to the desperate will buy and there will be many of those..

Wealth is changing hands.. by the Billions/TRILLIONS and going into hands. That money will be foolishly spent and will be UP FOR GRABS;)..

It gets worse.. NOW combine that with (aka home improvement) stores CRASHING IN STOCK MARKETS --says it all.

Housing markets NOW Unaffordable. Many homeowners will spend money to improve the property and live in it until the market matches their initial investment to at LEAST BREAK EVEN--which will never happen.

Many have no clue on what to spend that money on to improve the property and its NOT a kitchen or Roof upgrade.. AND/OR PAINT JOB. Ugh!

The decline in home improvement store purchases is the biggest indicator that homeowners are --running out of money..

Personal Credit for USA has reach unprecedented amounts TOPPING a Trillion dollars --with no means of paying it back??

WORSE YET?? THERE ARE FOR THIS .. are buying this debt at on the ..

Yesterday at closing bell more massive losses and EVERYONE ??


That's the elites making billions on selling debt at Pennies on the dollar ---that is why they are so .

Making a ton of money OFF your AND TO COME THAT YOU CANNOT SEE-- BUT THEY CAN.. Helloooooooo?

What is on the horizon. All real estate will go into another foreclosure craze. No one is buying debt anymore..

Housing prices will crash;)


Try to imagine hand-sized SNOWBALL rolling down a massive hill for the last 20 years. The way you build a snowman.. that snowball NOW has become MASSIVE in SIZE. Perpetuated by GREEDY Governments (Printing Money) and GREEDY Elites ( and the alike )

The only Communistic Government now in control is NOT Cuba, China or Russia.. OH NO!


This is an of ;(

Hey, we cut our teeth under these conditions.. TGIF;) grin


! - GOT The ? (Official Video)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#tgif #god #Friday #Davidv #Housing_Forecast #Residential #real_estate_broker #Home_improvement #Reality #HOME_OWNERSHIP #commercial #rip #HFT #PANIC_BUYING #overcharging #RAMPANT #FIRST_TIME #Home_buyers #Millionaires #Greedy_Billionaires #kids #BUBBLE_BURST #Rental #Rental_Housing #ny #you #blame #VALUABLE #fools #PAY_THE_PIPER #CASH_BUYERS #INFLATED #Appraised_Value #inept #HOME_DEPOT #NO_BUYERS #debt #elites #pennies #dollar #Cheering #happy #misery #MORE_MISERY #politicians #united_states #america #illusion #democracy #LETS_DANCE #Snap #who #power #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago



EXP: Licensed Correspondent Lender – National Lender in All States—16 years.

Licensed in Florida, 12 years. Telemarketing Industry (Supervisor) --7 years.

HERE is the OF in the USA.

Real Estate had become a (REST IN PEACE! ).

Home sales for the last 3 years spiked 150% + above MARKET PRICE --due COVID among other financial manipulation in stock markets ( ) --which accelerated .

Aka RUNNING ! to CUT OUT (EXCLUDE) (all home buyers for that matter) and ?? (btw don’t like to share;)

there will be NO AFFORDABLE HOUSING for the next decade.

Now that's a ! imho

USA has devastated this economy so badly --that only the elites will benefit.. ..Temporarily..

Markets will SKYROCKET and will only be affordable to the wealthy (aka leasing gone wild). Average rent in RIGHT NOW is $5500.00 USD and rising..

This morning; as I’m riding my bike;) I could not help but seeing Sarasota streets being FILLED up with the homeless (OUT OF STATE). In-fact sleeping in plain sight on main roads. Have not ever seen that and I am a local here IN FLORIDA.

Millennial's will suffer the most. There is no AFFORDABLE chance of home ownership in the USA.
are to for that --as well.

We have tried to WARN all for the last 12 years but NO ONE LISTENED; Many just SCOFFED at ADVISE. (aka )

NOW ITS TIME TO for not listening to the ones THAT KNOW!


You cannot even get a LOAN since the SUPERSEDES well above (CMA) MARKET PRICE and that means out of pocket down payment --up to 70% will be *required at closing. The number$$$ folks simply do not MAKE GOOD BUYING SENSE –only to the desperate will buy and there will be many of those..

Wealth is changing hands.. by the Billions/TRILLIONS and going into hands. That money will be foolishly spent and will be UP FOR GRABS;)..

It gets worse.. NOW combine that with (aka home improvement) stores CRASHING IN STOCK MARKETS --says it all.

Housing markets NOW Unaffordable. Many homeowners will spend money to improve the property and live in it until the market matches their initial investment to at LEAST BREAK EVEN--which will never happen.

Many have no clue on what to spend that money on to improve the property and its NOT a kitchen or Roof upgrade.. AND/OR PAINT JOB. Ugh!

The decline in home improvement store purchases is the biggest indicator that homeowners are --running out of money..

Personal Credit for USA has reach unprecedented amounts TOPPING a Trillion dollars --with no means of paying it back??

WORSE YET?? THERE ARE FOR THIS .. are buying this debt at on the ..

Yesterday at closing bell more massive losses and EVERYONE ??


That's the elites making billions on selling debt at Pennies on the dollar ---that is why they are so .

Making a ton of money OFF your AND TO COME THAT YOU CANNOT SEE-- BUT THEY CAN.. Helloooooooo?

What is on the horizon. All real estate will go into another foreclosure craze. No one is buying debt anymore..

Housing prices will crash;)


Try to imagine hand-sized SNOWBALL rolling down a massive hill for the last 20 years. The way you build a snowman.. that snowball NOW has become MASSIVE in SIZE. Perpetuated by GREEDY Governments (Printing Money) and GREEDY Elites ( and the alike )

The only Communistic Government now in control is NOT Cuba, China or Russia.. OH NO!


This is an of ;(

Hey, we cut our teeth under these conditions.. TGIF;) grin


! - GOT The ? (Official Video)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#tgif #god #Friday #Davidv #Housing_Forecast #Residential #real_estate_broker #Home_improvement #Reality #HOME_OWNERSHIP #commercial #GRAVE_YARD #rip #HFT #PANIC_BUYING #overcharging #RAMPANT #FIRST_TIME #Home_buyers #Millionaires #Greedy_Billionaires #kids #BUBBLE_BURST #Rental #Rental_Housing #ny #you #blame #VALUABLE #fools #PAY_THE_PIPER #CASH_BUYERS #INFLATED #Appraised_Value #inept #HOME_DEPOT #NO_BUYERS #debt #elites #pennies #dollar #Cheering #happy #misery #MORE_MISERY #politicians #united_states #america #illusion #democracy #LETS_DANCE #Snap #who #power #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago



EXP: Licensed Correspondent Lender – National Lender in All States—16 years.

Licensed in Florida, 12 years. Telemarketing Industry (Supervisor) --7 years.

HERE is the OF in the USA.

Real Estate had become a (REST IN PEACE! ).

Home sales for the last 3 years spiked 150% + above MARKET PRICE --due COVID among other financial manipulation in stock markets ( ) --which accelerated .

Aka RUNNING ! to CUT OUT (EXCLUDE) (all home buyers for that matter) and ?? (btw don’t like to share;)

there will be NO AFFORDABLE HOUSING for the next decade.

Now that's a ! imho

USA has devastated this economy so badly --that only the elites will benefit.. ..Temporarily..

Markets will SKYROCKET and will only be affordable to the wealthy (aka leasing gone wild). Average rent in RIGHT NOW is $5500.00 USD and rising..

This morning; as I’m riding my bike;) I could not help but seeing Sarasota streets being FILLED up with the homeless (OUT OF STATE). In-fact sleeping in plain sight on main roads. Have not ever seen that and I am a local here IN FLORIDA.

Millennial's will suffer the most. There is no AFFORDABLE chance of home ownership in the USA.
are to for that --as well.

We have tried to WARN all for the last 12 years but NO ONE LISTENED; Many just SCOFFED at ADVISE. (aka )

NOW ITS TIME TO for not listening to the ones THAT KNOW!


You cannot even get a LOAN since the SUPERSEDES well above (CMA) MARKET PRICE and that means out of pocket down payment --up to 70% will be *required at closing. The number$$$ folks simply do not MAKE GOOD BUYING SENSE –only to the desperate will buy and there will be many of those..

Wealth is changing hands.. by the Billions/TRILLIONS and going into hands. That money will be foolishly spent and will be UP FOR GRABS;)..

It gets worse.. NOW combine that with (aka home improvement) stores CRASHING IN STOCK MARKETS --says it all.

Housing markets NOW Unaffordable. Many homeowners will spend money to improve the property and live in it until the market matches their initial investment to at LEAST BREAK EVEN--which will never happen.

Many have no clue on what to spend that money on to improve the property and its NOT a kitchen or Roof upgrade.. AND/OR PAINT JOB. Ugh!

The decline in home improvement store purchases is the biggest indicator that homeowners are --running out of money..

Personal Credit for USA has reach unprecedented amounts TOPPING a Trillion dollars --with no means of paying it back??

WORSE YET?? THERE ARE FOR THIS .. are buying this debt at on the ..

Yesterday at closing bell more massive losses and EVERYONE ??


That's the elites making billions on selling debt at Pennies on the dollar ---that is why they are so .

Making a ton of money OFF your AND TO COME THAT YOU CANNOT SEE-- BUT THEY CAN.. Helloooooooo?

What is on the horizon. All real estate will go into another foreclosure craze. No one is buying debt anymore..

Housing prices will crash;)


Try to imagine hand-sized SNOWBALL rolling down a massive hill for the last 20 years. The way you build a snowman.. that snowball NOW has become MASSIVE in SIZE. Perpetuated by GREEDY Governments (Printing Money) and GREEDY Elites ( and the alike )

The only Communistic Government now in control is NOT Cuba, China or Russia.. OH NO!


This is an of ;(

Hey, we cut our teeth under these conditions.. TGIF;) grin


! - GOT The ? (Official Video)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#tgif #god #Friday #Davidv #Housing_Forecast #Residential #real_estate_broker #Home_improvement #Reality #HOME_OWNERSHIP #commercial #GRAVE_YARD #rip #HFT #PANIC_BUYING #overcharging #RAMPANT #FIRST_TIME #Home_buyers #Millionaires #Greedy_Billionaires #kids #BUBBLE_BURST #Rental #Rental_Housing #ny #you #blame #VALUABLE #fools #PAY_THE_PIPER #CASH_BUYERS #INFLATED #Appraised_Value #inept #HOME_DEPOT #NO_BUYERS #debt #elites #pennies #dollar #Cheering #happy #misery #MORE_MISERY #politicians #united_states #america #illusion #democracy #LETS_DANCE #Snap #who #power #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago



EXP: Licensed Correspondent Lender – National Lender in All States—16 years.

Licensed in Florida, 12 years. Telemarketing Industry (Supervisor) --7 years.

HERE is the OF in the USA.

Real Estate had become a (REST IN PEACE! ).

Home sales for the last 3 years spiked 150% + above MARKET PRICE --due COVID among other financial manipulation in stock markets ( ) --which accelerated .

Aka RUNNING ! to CUT OUT (EXCLUDE) (all home buyers for that matter) and ?? (btw don’t like to share;)

there will be NO AFFORDABLE HOUSING for the next decade.

Now that's a ! imho

USA has devastated this economy so badly --that only the elites will benefit.. ..Temporarily..

Markets will SKYROCKET and will only be affordable to the wealthy (aka leasing gone wild). Average rent in RIGHT NOW is $5500.00 USD and rising..

This morning; as I’m riding my bike;) I could not help but seeing Sarasota streets being FILLED up with the homeless (OUT OF STATE). In-fact sleeping in plain sight on main roads. Have not ever seen that and I am a local here IN FLORIDA.

Millennial's will suffer the most. There is no AFFORDABLE chance of home ownership in the USA.
are to for that --as well.

We have tried to WARN all for the last 12 years but NO ONE LISTENED; Many just SCOFFED at ADVISE. (aka )

NOW ITS TIME TO for not listening to the ones THAT KNOW!


You cannot even get a LOAN since the SUPERSEDES well above (CMA) MARKET PRICE and that means out of pocket down payment --up to 70% will be *required at closing. The number$$$ folks simply do not MAKE GOOD BUYING SENSE –only to the desperate will buy and there will be many of those..

Wealth is changing hands.. by the Billions/TRILLIONS and going into hands. That money will be foolishly spent and will be UP FOR GRABS;)..

It gets worse.. NOW combine that with (aka home improvement) stores CRASHING IN STOCK MARKETS --says it all.

Housing markets NOW Unaffordable. Many homeowners will spend money to improve the property and live in it until the market matches their initial investment to at LEAST BREAK EVEN--which will never happen.

Many have no clue on what to spend that money on to improve the property and its NOT a kitchen or Roof upgrade.. AND/OR PAINT JOB. Ugh!

The decline in home improvement store purchases is the biggest indicator that homeowners are --running out of money..

Personal Credit for USA has reach unprecedented amounts TOPPING a Trillion dollars --with no means of paying it back??

WORSE YET?? THERE ARE FOR THIS .. are buying this debt at on the ..

Yesterday at closing bell more massive losses and EVERYONE ??


That's the elites making billions on selling debt at Pennies on the dollar ---that is why they are so .

Making a ton of money OFF your AND TO COME THAT YOU CANNOT SEE-- BUT THEY CAN.. Helloooooooo?

What is on the horizon. All real estate will go into another foreclosure craze. No one is buying debt anymore..

Housing prices will crash;)


Try to imagine hand-sized SNOWBALL rolling down a massive hill for the last 20 years. The way you build a snowman.. that snowball NOW has become MASSIVE in SIZE. Perpetuated by GREEDY Governments (Printing Money) and GREEDY Elites ( and the alike )

The only Communistic Government now in control is NOT Cuba, China or Russia.. OH NO!


This is an of ;(

Hey, we cut our teeth under these conditions.. TGIF;) grin


! - GOT The ? (Official Video)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#tgif #god #Friday #Davidv #Housing_Forecast #Residential #real_estate_broker #Home_improvement #Reality #HOME_OWNERSHIP #commercial #GRAVE_YARD #rip #HFT #PANIC_BUYING #overcharging #RAMPANT #FIRST_TIME #Home_buyers #Millionaires #Greedy_Billionaires #kids #BUBBLE_BURST #Rental #Rental_Housing #ny #you #blame #VALUABLE #fools #PAY_THE_PIPER #CASH_BUYERS #INFLATED #Appraised_Value #inept #HOME_DEPOT #NO_BUYERS #debt #elites #pennies #dollar #Cheering #happy #misery #MORE_MISERY #politicians #united_states #america #illusion #democracy #LETS_DANCE #Snap #who #power #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago



EXP: Licensed Correspondent Lender – National Lender in All States—16 years.

Licensed in Florida, 12 years. Telemarketing Industry (Supervisor) --7 years.

HERE is the OF in the USA.

Real Estate had become a (REST IN PEACE! ).

Home sales for the last 3 years spiked 150% + above MARKET PRICE --due COVID among other financial manipulation in stock markets ( ) --which accelerated .

Aka RUNNING ! to CUT OUT (EXCLUDE) (all home buyers for that matter) and ?? (btw don’t like to share;)

there will be NO AFFORDABLE HOUSING for the next decade.

Now that's a ! imho

USA has devastated this economy so badly --that only the elites will benefit.. ..Temporarily..

Markets will SKYROCKET and will only be affordable to the wealthy (aka leasing gone wild). Average rent in RIGHT NOW is $5500.00 USD and rising..

This morning; as I’m riding my bike;) I could not help but seeing Sarasota streets being FILLED up with the homeless (OUT OF STATE). In-fact sleeping in plain sight on main roads. Have not ever seen that and I am a local here IN FLORIDA.

Millennial's will suffer the most. There is no AFFORDABLE chance of home ownership in the USA.
are to for that --as well.

We have tried to WARN all for the last 12 years but NO ONE LISTENED; Many just SCOFFED at ADVISE. (aka )

NOW ITS TIME TO for not listening to the ones THAT KNOW!


You cannot even get a LOAN since the SUPERSEDES well above (CMA) MARKET PRICE and that means out of pocket down payment --up to 70% will be *required at closing. The number$$$ folks simply do not MAKE GOOD BUYING SENSE –only to the desperate will buy and there will be many of those..

Wealth is changing hands.. by the Billions/TRILLIONS and going into hands. That money will be foolishly spent and will be UP FOR GRABS;)..

It gets worse.. NOW combine that with (aka home improvement) stores CRASHING IN STOCK MARKETS --says it all.

Housing markets NOW Unaffordable. Many homeowners will spend money to improve the property and live in it until the market matches their initial investment to at LEAST BREAK EVEN--which will never happen.

Many have no clue on what to spend that money on to improve the property and its NOT a kitchen or Roof upgrade.. AND/OR PAINT JOB. Ugh!

The decline in home improvement store purchases is the biggest indicator that homeowners are --running out of money..

Personal Credit for USA has reach unprecedented amounts TOPPING a Trillion dollars --with no means of paying it back??

WORSE YET?? THERE ARE FOR THIS .. are buying this debt at on the ..

Yesterday at closing bell more massive losses and EVERYONE ??


That's the elites making billions on selling debt at Pennies on the dollar ---that is why they are so .

Making a ton of money OFF your AND TO COME THAT YOU CANNOT SEE-- BUT THEY CAN.. Helloooooooo?

What is on the horizon. All real estate will go into another foreclosure craze. No one is buying debt anymore..

Housing prices will crash;)


Try to imagine hand-sized SNOWBALL rolling down a massive hill for the last 20 years. The way you build a snowman.. that snowball NOW has become MASSIVE in SIZE. Perpetuated by GREEDY Governments (Printing Money) and GREEDY Elites ( and the alike )

The only Communistic Government now in control is NOT Cuba, China or Russia.. OH NO!


This is an of ;(

Hey, we cut our teeth under these conditions.. TGIF;) grin


! - GOT The ? (Official Video)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#tgif #god #Friday #Davidv #Housing_Forecast #Residential #real_estate_broker #Home_improvement #Reality #HOME_OWNERSHIP #commercial #GRAVE_YARD #rip #HFT #PANIC_BUYING #overcharging #RAMPANT #FIRST_TIME #Home_buyers #Millionaires #Greedy_Billionaires #kids #BUBBLE_BURST #Rental #Rental_Housing #ny #you #blame #VALUABLE #fools #PAY_THE_PIPER #CASH_BUYERS #INFLATED #Appraised_Value #inept #HOME_DEPOT #NO_BUYERS #debt #elites #pennies #dollar #Cheering #happy #misery #MORE_MISERY #politicians #united_states #america #illusion #democracy #LETS_DANCE #Snap #who #power #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago



EXP: Licensed Correspondent Lender – National Lender in All States—16 years.

Licensed in Florida, 12 years. Telemarketing Industry (Supervisor) --7 years.

HERE is the OF in the USA.

Real Estate had become a (REST IN PEACE! ).

Home sales for the last 3 years spiked 150% + above MARKET PRICE --due COVID among other financial manipulation in stock markets ( ) --which accelerated .

Aka RUNNING ! to CUT OUT (EXCLUDE) (all home buyers for that matter) and ?? (btw don’t like to share;)

there will be NO AFFORDABLE HOUSING for the next decade.

Now that's a ! imho

USA has devastated this economy so badly --that only the elites will benefit.. ..Temporarily..

Markets will SKYROCKET and will only be affordable to the wealthy (aka leasing gone wild). Average rent in RIGHT NOW is $5500.00 USD and rising..

This morning; as I’m riding my bike;) I could not help but seeing Sarasota streets being FILLED up with the homeless (OUT OF STATE). In-fact sleeping in plain sight on main roads. Have not ever seen that and I am a local here IN FLORIDA.

Millennial's will suffer the most. There is no AFFORDABLE chance of home ownership in the USA.
are to for that --as well.

We have tried to WARN all for the last 12 years but NO ONE LISTENED; Many just SCOFFED at ADVISE. (aka )

NOW ITS TIME TO for not listening to the ones THAT KNOW!


You cannot even get a LOAN since the SUPERSEDES well above (CMA) MARKET PRICE and that means out of pocket down payment --up to 70% will be *required at closing. The number$$$ folks simply do not MAKE GOOD BUYING SENSE –only to the desperate will buy and there will be many of those..

Wealth is changing hands.. by the Billions/TRILLIONS and going into hands. That money will be foolishly spent and will be UP FOR GRABS;)..

It gets worse.. NOW combine that with (aka home improvement) stores CRASHING IN STOCK MARKETS --says it all.

Housing markets NOW Unaffordable. Many homeowners will spend money to improve the property and live in it until the market matches their initial investment to at LEAST BREAK EVEN--which will never happen.

Many have no clue on what to spend that money on to improve the property and its NOT a kitchen or Roof upgrade.. AND/OR PAINT JOB. Ugh!

The decline in home improvement store purchases is the biggest indicator that homeowners are --running out of money..

Personal Credit for USA has reach unprecedented amounts TOPPING a Trillion dollars --with no means of paying it back??

WORSE YET?? THERE ARE FOR THIS .. are buying this debt at on the ..

Yesterday at closing bell more massive losses and EVERYONE ??


That's the elites making billions on selling debt at Pennies on the dollar ---that is why they are so .

Making a ton of money OFF your AND TO COME THAT YOU CANNOT SEE-- BUT THEY CAN.. Helloooooooo?

What is on the horizon. All real estate will go into another foreclosure craze. No one is buying debt anymore..

Housing prices will crash;)


Try to imagine hand-sized SNOWBALL rolling down a massive hill for the last 20 years. The way you build a snowman.. that snowball NOW has become MASSIVE in SIZE. Perpetuated by GREEDY Governments (Printing Money) and GREEDY Elites ( and the alike )

The only Communistic Government now in control is NOT Cuba, China or Russia.. OH NO!


This is an of ;(

Hey, we cut our teeth under these conditions.. TGIF;) grin


! - GOT The ? (Official Video)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#tgif #god #Friday #Davidv #Housing_Forecast #Residential #real_estate_broker #Home_improvement #Reality #HOME_OWNERSHIP #commercial #GRAVE_YARD #rip #HFT #PANIC_BUYING #overcharging #RAMPANT #FIRST_TIME #Home_buyers #Millionaires #Greedy_Billionaires #kids #BUBBLE_BURST #Rental #Rental_Housing #ny #you #blame #VALUABLE #fools #PAY_THE_PIPER #CASH_BUYERS #INFLATED #Appraised_Value #inept #HOME_DEPOT #NO_BUYERS #debt #elites #pennies #dollar #Cheering #happy #misery #MORE_MISERY #politicians #united_states #america #illusion #democracy #LETS_DANCE #Snap #who #power #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

Oden · @Gjallarhornet
815 followers · 6553 posts · Server mastodon.nu

couple struggle to bank huge haul of


#pennies #us

Last updated 1 year ago

Jessica · @fabulouslazyj
0 followers · 5 posts · Server norden.social

Da wollte ich gerade Kleingeld bei meiner Bank einzahlen. Geht nicht! Wie schon seit Wochen. 😤

#kleingeld #munzen #coins #pennies

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Nix · @ThePJN
31 followers · 625 posts · Server universeodon.com

to that time that Chels attacked my desk when I went for lunch. Came back to find it infested with a horde of worried

#flashback #pennies #officecraft #downtime #flashbackfriday #mischief

Last updated 1 year ago

OsoPorto · @osoporto
56 followers · 492 posts · Server mas.to
Christopher-J 🇨🇦 he/him/his · @ChrJCarlson
223 followers · 3265 posts · Server mas.to
stephie · @stephie
162 followers · 58 posts · Server mastodon.lol
Alun Kirby · @cyanotype
416 followers · 207 posts · Server zirk.us

A transformation in cyanotype.

It begins as a very simple origami box with a couple of coins in it.

And end up as an abstract geometric image.

A memory of it's brief time as a coin box, written there in blue and white.

#cyanotype #blueprint #origami #metamorphogram #memory #pennies #transformation #tissuepaper

Last updated 2 years ago

Kara Sowles Deloss · @feynudibranch
434 followers · 97 posts · Server xoxo.zone

Ground art, and a hilarious hang-wringing sign in a sea of corporate concrete

#pennies #agates #streetart

Last updated 2 years ago

hrx · @hrx
6 followers · 124 posts · Server mastodon.online

I just found a coin worth about 0.03€ and briefly considered was it worth walking over to my jacket and putting it in my wallet. After a shrug, it ended in the wallet.

Obligatory XKCD (this time of the What If? variant): what-if.xkcd.com/22/

#time #pennies #xkcd

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
86 followers · 13725 posts · Server masthead.social

yep is !


All actors now being hired to the .

They have SOLD their for on the .

..and its a really..

If I told you that you could make more money on the internet than ANY in the world??..

..How about than all the AND DO IT !?

Would you believe me?

Stay tuned for our upcoming launch;)

#Legally #combined #DRUG_CARTELS #more_money #ILLEGAL_ACTIVITY #shame #dollar #pennies #souls #truth #manipulate #hiring #Mainstream_NEWS #over #movie_business #hollywood #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 2 years ago