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Nu op Medemblik praat: 'Linschoten-Penning 2023 voor website Pala van het Westfries Museum'
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#westfries #websitepala #penning #museum #linschoten #Hoorn
#MikeOldfield - '#Argiers' (1975) included on the #Album #Ommadawn (2010 #Deluxe Edition)
#Oldfield #Guitar #Guitars #ElectricGuitar #LesPenning #LesliePenning #Penning #Recorder #Folk #FolkTune #Traditional #Music
#music #traditional #folktune #folk #recorder #penning #lesliepenning #lespenning #electricguitar #guitars #guitar #Oldfield #deluxe #Ommadawn #album #argiers #MikeOldfield
You are forgiven if you thought I was posting the same beers as yesterday. The truth is: I ordered a case of "Franconian Seasonal Specialties", so that's why there are quite a few in my stash that are the same beer style.
Another Christmas Ale, this time by #Penning and a Rauchbier ("Smoked Beer") by #UlrichMartin (both 🇩🇪 obviously). Smoked beers are very typical for Franconia, #Schlenkerla being one of the most famous examples.
#penning #ulrichmartin #schlenkerla